At 3:22 PM -0500 12/22/2008, insightinmind wrote:
>On my Tiger 10.4.11 Yikes!, I recently lost Quicktime playback in 
>Firefox looking at myspace. Tried turning it off and back on in Prefs.
>QT Requests shows up ok in Safari, so its not myspace ...
>Relative to this thread, I "recently" did several updates / changes: 
>Security Update, Perian, Tried VLC, Removed VLC, Firefox update.
>Hints on where to look to repair the situation?

Um... Maybe each thing you installed tried to take over the MIME 
settings (which tell the browser what helper to use for what type of 
content) then never reset them.  Try resetting your MIME types... 
System Preferences > QuickTime > Advanced.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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