Hello all,

I need to call on your collective wisdom.  I am a long time Mac user, but a
newbie at "looking under the hood".  My question is about my Power Macintosh
G3 Beige.  A couple of months ago, I pulled it out of storage with the goal
of upgrading it to have a second computer around the house for routine use.
Thanks to the many great resource on the web, including this group, I have
learned about all its strengths and peculiarities.  It is a ROM revision A
machine, so I'm aware of the "8 GB" limitation and know about the 128 GB
limit on hard drive accessing.   I maxed out the RAM, replaced the battery,
added a Sonnet, Tango 2.0 PCI adapter card, a 4 MB SGRam module, and had it
running at Mac OS X 10.2.8, but it seemed flaky, so I went back to OS
9.2.2.  But that is not my question right now.

The problem now is about the hard drive.  I replaced the 4 GB drive with a
Seagate 160 GB Barracuda (7200 rpm).  The computer could only see 128 GB,
but that was ok.  I partitioned that drive into 7.2 GB in the top volume,
about 118 GB in a middle volume and about 3 in the bottom volume – with the
idea that I would stay away from that end of the drive.  I did a fresh
install from the installation CDs and upgraded to 9.2.2.  Everything worked
well for about a week, so I started loading applications and using it.
Yesterday, I discovered that the computer only recognizes the middle volume
as 117.9 MB.  Looks like a "power of 1000" error?  So what has happened to
the remainder of the middle volume?

I've used Disk First Aid and Drive Set-up to look for obvious issues.  It is
in the middle of scanning the disk for bad blocks using Drive Set-up, so
nothing to report there (Should that take > 12 hours?)  Other diagnostics to
try? I hope that I can get this machine to operate stably because I'm
enjoying toying around with it.  How can I fix this issue without

I am going to be away for a couple of days, so I apologize in advance if I
cannot answer any questions quickly.  Thanks.

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