On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 2:40 AM, Tom <tba...@nmia.com> wrote:

> Years ago, when I was a teenager, I worked in a gas station, and to
> show you how long ago this was, we actually put the gas in the
> customers' cars for them! They never even had to get out of the car!
> And while the car was being gassed up, we also checked the engine oil,
> the tire pressure, anything else we were asked to, and of course we
> always cleaned the windshields (I know this sounds fantastic to the
> current generation, who will accuse me of lying, but honest, you
> really did get service like that, at ALL gas stations up through about
> the late 1970s, when civilization declined into self-serve
> everything).
> It was while washing the windshields that I became acquainted with the
> ugliness of cigarette smoke residue. I don't know how many drivers who
> smoked asked me if I could please try to get some of that cloudy gumbo
> off the inside of their windshield, so they could see through it a
> little better. They would get out of the car, I would get in with my
> spray bottle of cleaner and rag, and I'd spray and rub and spray and
> rub trying to get that sticky, awful goo off the glass. And mostly all
> I accomplished was to smear it around. We never found anything that
> could really get it off. If anything confirmed my decision never to
> smoke, that was it. Knowing that the inside of a smoker's lungs was
> coated with that same filthy goo, even worse than the windshields,
> drove home the health hazards of tobacco, as if the stinking clothes
> of the driver and the smelly upholstery of his car weren't enough.
> Trying to get that crud out of the inside of a computer, where fans
> have sucked it in and deposited it all over, must be a real chore, if
> it's really possible at all (how can you scrub or even wipe off all
> those tiny electronic components). It sounds like all the disassembly
> and monkeying around with the computer's parts might be as detrimental
> to its workings as the smoke residue.
> I would never knowingly buy the computer of a smoker.
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~

Not that hard actually.  And the monkeying around with the computers innards
is good for learning and satisfying to the user.

I would not let smoke residue stand between me and a real bargain.  That
would be silly.
You might find your dream machine under the tar, some one should save it!.
But I don't know many people any more who smoke anyway.

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