Dan wrote:
> At 9:08 PM -0500 5/7/09, James E. Therrault wrote:
>>Dan wrote:
>>> At 8:26 PM -0500 5/6/2009, James E. Therrault wrote:
>> >>Over the past couple of days, I get a dialog (pop up) listing downloads
>>>>while at various websites.  These "downloads" are small but they
>>>>virtually hijack the application usually ending up with a "Force Quit."
>> >
>>> OS?  Safari vers?
>>> 10.9      3.0.4
> 10.9?  No such release yet.
>> > URLs involved?
>>Last one was http://www.boston.com/news/local/rhode_island/
> I've tried that page with Safari 3.0.4, 3.2.1, and 4 beta.  It loads 
> and works for me, even on my 300-MHz Smurf.  No javascript errors. 
> No pop-up anything.  Some of the flash ads are a bit, um, 
> over-animated.  No odd downloads.  However... that page (before 
> clicking on any news articles) pumped me full of cookies.  62 of 
> them!  And turning off both plug-ins and javascript makes it load 
> MUCH faster.   Lame code.
> Your "dialog (pop up) listing downloads"... Are you talking about the 
> downloads window?  Or something else?  Please show us a screen shot 
> of this.
> - Dan.

Yes, it is probably the "downloads" window.  It just pops up randomly 
and the downloads are generally tiny like 4K files.  This crap just 
started the other day.

I don't know about capturing a screen shot since this activity seems to 
hijack the whole application.

I guess I need to upgrade Safari for starters.


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