Charles Lenington writes,

<first which model QS? If 2002 or 2002ed then no problems w/ large
drives. But!! if first model  then you will have    to partition  or use
third party software to set drive up. Look in archives for drive size
limitations, and high text cap>

My QS is the 867. It took me a couple of days to find out (Googling) due
to my present (hopefully temporary!) scatterbrained status, but yes, I
do need to coax it into seeing HDs bigger than 128 GB.

<Either way ====
if you don't need the 20 gig, replace w/ the 60 gig after cloning (60
gig) to 250 gig
Put second 250 in place of 40 gig.
You should have 2 empty hard drive bays - you could leave the 20 and 40
in the QS.
If the bracket/cables are missing post a wtb over on LEM swap.>

Right now (and until The Surgery), I do need to have BOTH smaller HDs
(60 and 20 BG) in the QS, because important stuff I use now resides on both.

<By the way is Memory Prime Firewire or usb?>

Memory Prime was originally BOTH Firewire and USB -- until the Firewire
port on its enclosure (LaCie) died in December 2008. Since that time,
I've been updating my backups via USB. In fact, I have a couple of
important folders I just changed running over to it as updated backups
now, as I write this.

<ccc or super (duhhhh, forgot name) will work.>

Super Duper is the other one. I ended up downloading CCC but haven't
used it yet.

> > 1. Is it preferable to buy an enclosure which already has the drive in
> > it, or to buy an empty enclosure and put a HD in it? I ask because I
> > notice the empty enclosures are so much more economical, and from 
my POV
> > at least (i.e., making sure I buy the right kind of HD for it -- I find
> > the choices overwhelming, and once I do figure out the right one, need
> > to have my BF do the actual physical installations for me).
> >
> >
Not to bad. Safer then the computer, no worries about slipping and
breaking logic board, etc.

About my confusion regarding whether to buy an empty external enclosure
and have a drive put in it, and additional problem regarding what kind
of drive I should buy for it, i.e., ATA, PATA, SATA, SATA-1,SATA-2,
eSATA, you said,

<This case takes SATA drives you need pata (ata, ide, etc) You would
need a pci SATA controller card for the QS.

But, for longevity and future hardware  try for a case w/ SATA, eSATA,
firewire, usb  2 (usb 1 compatabe) ports.

I ended up buying a 500GB OWC Mercury Elite 7200RPM external HD from OWC
-- external FIrewire/USB case with 500 GB HD already in it, which comes
with cables and a power supply (which, like the two 250 GB internal HDs,
has arrived and is ready for me when I'm ready to hook it up. I also
ordered an ACard PCI 6220 controller card from a guy on the Swap List --
still waiting for it to come in.
Use of partitions on 500 GB external; yes, the salesman at oWC confirmed
    I could do this. :-)

<Wow, you are smart! ;<)>

See what you have learned from the lists?>

LOL, ;-) I'm smart enough to have insisted on saving all the relevant
information in my email archives and persisted with with migrating all
my old emails to my new OS X native emailer when I switched a couple
weeks ago, anyway.  :-)

Anyway, by now I HAVE decided to go the CCC route when I upgrade my HDs
and backup system. The first part of the upgrade will consist of hooking
up the new external HD first, formatting it to two partitions of 250 HB
each, and backing up my old internal HDs to it with CCC. Then I'm going
to test each partition and make sure they'll BOOT my QS as well as for
my backups being accurate. When I'm sure of that -- and when my BF gets
here to do the computer surgery (first weekend of June), that's when the
controller card goes in (I expect it to artive early next week at this
point) and the two new 250 GB internals go in. By that time I'll be have
been using the new external as a backup drive. And then once I see the
card has given me full access to the 250 GBs on the new internals, I'll
CCC the stuff from the external backups over to the new internal drives.
Theoretically, with the controller card, I should still be able to keep
the 60 and 20 GB internal drives in the QS in the machine while their
250 GB replacements go in. That may be a good idea temporarily, at least
until I see that the bigger replacements are working.

<Go back and review archives for topics on backup, cloning, etc. Maybe
you can find more tips on the process. (backup may also bring up power

I'll go General Googling on this actually. I don't remember my
Googlegroups login or how to find any of the LEM list archives from
their respective Google Groups because I participate entirely from
email! LOL

<Is it bootable from usb?>

The Iomega? I don't know. I either never knew, or maybe I just don't
remember, that ANY external HD would boot a Mac from USB, I always
thought it HAD TO be Firewire to boot. I loved the Firewire on my
external (when it worked, LOL!) because it was FAST to update my backups
and move big amounts of data to the iBook that way than it has been to
do it with the USB, which is disgustingly SLOW (it's better than
nothing, but you know how THAT is!). However, since I hadn't set up my
original/current external drive up to BE bootable even when the Firewire
worked, I have yet to even TRY to boot my Quicksilver up from any
external HD even over Firewire. Soon enough, though, soon enough. I am
unfortunately at the height of my scatterbrain cycle right now, and I
don't dare even try the "easy" first step of getting the new external HD
hooked up, formatted and partitioned. In a few days I should start to
become capable (I'm on strong meds which make me nearly totally useless
for almost a whole week, and mostly useless for the next week (like when
I originally posted my half-baked HD upgrade plans), and I just got
dosed yesterday so right now I'm back to nearly totally useless.

So I'll sit back for a few days and also wait for my controller card to
arrive from the Swap List. By that time, my mental capacity should be a
little better.


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