On Jun 8, 2009, at 2:38 PM, Arnel Tuazon wrote:

>> And when Windows 7 comes out officially Apple will update their boot
>> camp install so that you can indeed run Windows 7 on it . I know more
>> than one person who bought a Mac pro *because* it's such a stable,
>> good-performing Windows workstation. (This for doing Autocad and  
>> Rhino
>> 3D design stuff.)
> I'm not sure, but I think Steve was talking about the old Apple  
> System 7.  I
> don't see why Windows 7 wouldn't run on an Intel Mac.

But I can run System 7 on my Intel iMac too! <http://sheepshaver.cebix.net/ 
 > Supports system 7.5.2-9.0.4 :-)

Come on...toss me a hard one! :-P

I could probably install PearPC in my XP virtual Machine to run an  
Apple II emulator if I really wanted to :-)

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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