On Jul 26, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Stephen Conrad wrote:

> I am purchasing the following:  Quicksilver G4 800 w/512 MB RAM
> I have a few questions.
> What RAM is recommended (so I can purchase some) to max it out?

It will take low density pc133 ram, up to 1.5GB (3 x 512). I have not  
had trouble with ecc ram, but do not get registered ram, that is for  
servers only and will not work in your Mac. The swap list can get you  
sticks for $20 shipped nowadays.

> Best Video card (so I can get one)?

I have hacked Radeon 9600s from G5s in my DAs. A significant  
improvement over the stock GeForces and fully supports Core image in  
10.5. What are you going to be doing with it? Gaming, Photoshop, Video  
editing, Animating your own anime?

> Also, it has one HD and I want to add a 2nd one.
> My spare HDs
>  ===========
>  Generic 120.0 GB 7200 RPM
>  Samsung SP0802N (S/N S00JJ40Y371416)   -> Listed on it as "probably
>  bad" but I'd still check it out
>  WD Caviar 22500 AT Compatible Intelligent Drive
>  WD Caviar 12100 EIDE
> Will any of these work in it?

Assuming that the machine originally shipped with the 800MHz  
processor, it is a second gen QS and supports large HD out of the box.  
Any ATA/ IDE drive will work, even over 128GB.

What interface is the generic? 120GB is a decent size depending on  
what you want to do
Samsung SP0802N Probably bad?? Wind chimes or play with the magnets.  
Do not waste time or data on a probably bad drive.
WD Caviar 22500 or 12100?? 2.5 and 2.0GB respectively. What would you  
do with something that small?

Depending what you want to do with it, my thoughts:

Go to at least 1GB ram. The jump from 512MB to 1GB is noticeable. The  
jump to 1.5 may or may not be depending on what you do with it.

You probably have the Radeon 7500 in your machine. Sufficient for  
Quartz Extreme, but I don't think it supports Core Image. Try it and  
see if you are satisfied before you go shopping.

The processor is the real bottleneck in this system. The 800 did not  
have a L3 cache and benchmarks out at about the level of a 650MHz with  
L3. You will probably get better bang for the buck by installing a  
Dual 1GHz than installing a better video card. According to the  
Geekbench results in MacTracker, the 800 gets a 419, while the dual  
1GHz gets an 833 and my DA with a dual 1.2 from OWC and a 9600 pro  
gets a 986.


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