At 2:08 AM -0500 8/6/2009, Kris Tilford wrote:

[no hardware details supplied]

>My Permissions & Ownerships were all correct before the 10.5.8 update.
>After installing 10.5.8, many Extensions were wrong for the 2nd time

What was the first time?

>during the Leopard updates, and again for the 2nd time Disk Utility
>took forever to Repair Permisssions

"forever" is relative; it had thousands of changes to make, or at 
least thought it needed to. *ouch*

>Repairing permissions for "OS X RAID"

Whoze RAID is this, Apple's or a 3rd party?
Does it pass a Verify Disk pass?

>       Reading permissions database.
>       Reading the permissions database can take several minutes.
>Permissions differ on "System/Library/Extensions/ACard6280ATA.kext/
>Contents/Info.plist", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are -rwxr-xr-x .

Very bad.  Either you have a HD problem or corrupted receipts files or both.

Or... perhaps more likely, as there are other reports of permissions 
issues after installing 10.5.8 (see macfixit, etc)... Apple has 
farked the receipts linkage for this update.  Remember please that 
repairing permissions is the ancient fix to an ancient OS X 
10.0/.1/.2 problem.... The real solution is to simply not do it.

I'm loathe to read thru the whole 608 KB log you posted... Please 
take look in your /System/Library/Extensions/ folder to see if it 
actually changed the permissions.  If it did, you might want to 
manually change them back IF you have any problems.   (Having to 
change all those back might better be left alone for now, if you're 
not seeing any problems.  Wait until Apple fixes this).

That giant log... In the future, please zip such items and just post 
a url for those that want to download 'em.  I love to use Dropbox for 
this type of thing!.  Half a MB of email is tuff for some people to 

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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