On Nov 15, 2009, at 3:43 PM, g3-5-list@googlegroups.com wrote:

>  Today's Topic Summary
>       •       Data Recovery Part 2 [3 updates]
>       •       Single "boop" on startup [1 update]
>       •       Will a 1.6 GHz Processor Upgrade Allow my G4 to Run Flash? [2 
> updates]
>       •       receipt reply required for each message [10 updates]
>       •       iPhoto home movies disappear using CCC [5 updates]
>       •       CCC hosed t-bird update 1 [1 update]
>       •       RIP needed [1 update]
>       •       Throwing out old password on G4 iBook running Tiger 10.4.11 [2 
> updates]
>  Topic: Data Recovery Part 2
>       •       Paul <pper...@gmail.com> Nov 15 08:32AM -0800
>       •       
>       •       Unfortunately, connecting the drive to a Mac (running Tiger) 
> creates a
>       •       few files automatically, such as .DS_Store and .Trashes. 
> Connecting it
>       •       to a PC creates a "Recycled" file for the Windows recycling 
> bin. I
>       •       didn't see a way to make the drive read only.
>       •        
>       •       Baha Ata <baha...@gmail.com> Nov 15 10:56PM +0200
>       •       
>       •       ah.... hmmm... you must download rescue 3 provided link and 
> boot from rescue
>       •       3 cd
>       •        
>       •       2009/11/15 Paul <pper...@gmail.com>
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       -- 
>       •       Baha Ata
>       •        
>       •       Jim McGee <orb...@dslextreme.com> Nov 15 02:39PM -0800
>       •       
>       •       
>       •       On Nov 15, 2009, at 8:32 AM, Paul wrote:
>       •        
>       •       > to a PC creates a "Recycled" file for the Windows recycling 
> bin. I
>       •       > didn't see a way to make the drive read only.
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       Paul-
>       •        
>       •       Don't know if this helps....
>       •        
>       •       http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2216434
>       •        
>  Topic: Single "boop" on startup
>       •       Bill Christensen <billc_li...@greenbuilder.com> Nov 15 04:26PM 
> -0600
>       •       
>       •       At 12:36 AM +0000 11/15/09, Andy wrote:
>       •       > > I've got a G4 that's giving me startup problems.
>       •       >
>       •        
>       •       Problem solved. It was the RAM after all.
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       -- 
>       •       Bill Christensen
>       •       <http://greenbuilder.com/contact/>
>       •        
>       •       Green Building Professionals Directory: 
> <http://directory.greenbuilder.com>
>       •       Sustainable Building Calendar: 
> <http://Calendar.SustainableSources.com>
>       •       Green Real Estate: <http://www.greenbuilder.com/realestate/>
>       •       Straw Bale Registry: <http://sbregistry.greenbuilder.com/>
>       •       Books/videos/software: <http://bookstore.greenbuilder.com/>
>       •        
>  Topic: Will a 1.6 GHz Processor Upgrade Allow my G4 to Run Flash?
>       •       Nestamicky <nestami...@gmail.com> Nov 15 08:58AM -0700
>       •       
>       •       On 11/14/09 8:21 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:
>       •       >> > The site requires an upgrade to Flash 9, which isn't 
> available for
>       •       >> > my 64-bit Ubuntu system.
>       •       Since development of flash has been retrogressive, would 
> installing 
>       •       older versions of it, say on a Lombard, make for a pleasant web 
> video 
>       •       viewing? Pyschometric Dan had provided the link to the older 
> versions 
>       •       and I'm contemplating just installing an older version on a new 
>       •       install...as I'd not be nuts to downgrade on a machine, given 
> how 
>       •       horrible it is.
>       •        
>       •       Clark Martin <cm...@sonic.net> Nov 15 01:18PM -0800
>       •       
>       •       Nestamicky wrote:
>       •       > install...as I'd not be nuts to downgrade on a machine, given 
> how 
>       •       > horrible it is.
>       •        
>       •       It would except that an older version of Flash isn't going to 
> play to 
>       •       many websites now. Most stuff out there tends to require the 
> latest or 
>       •       perhaps the next to the latest.
>       •        
>       •       -- 
>       •       Clark Martin
>       •       Redwood City, CA, USA
>       •       Macintosh / Internet Consulting
>       •        
>       •       "I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"
>       •        
>  Topic: receipt reply required for each message
>       •       Charles Lenington <macso...@tds.net> Nov 15 09:50AM -0600
>       •       
>       •       Is anyone else getting the acknowledgement message for all 
> messages that
>       •        
>       •       nestami...@gmail.com
>       •        
>       •       sends to the list?
>       •        
>       •       It's starting to get a little annoying. I have been ignoring 
> them but I 
>       •       think I'll start replying. Maybe the hint will cause him change 
> his 
>       •       email settings.
>       •        
>       •       Nestamicky <nestami...@gmail.com> Nov 15 09:01AM -0700
>       •       
>       •       On 11/15/09 8:50 AM, Charles Lenington wrote:
>       •       > think I'll start replying. Maybe the hint will cause him 
> change his
>       •       > email settings.
>       •       I have no clue why this is happening, as I did not make any 
> changes to 
>       •       my mail program recently. But I will look into it now. Thanks 
> for the 
>       •       notice. They annoy me as well, as I have to delete your 
> responses 
>       •       acknowledging receipt.
>       •        
>       •       "mlitwin3797" <mlitwin3...@att.net> Nov 15 11:09AM -0600
>       •       
>       •       I've been ignoring them as well. I just figured it was spam.
>       •        
>       •       --------------------------------------------------
>       •       From: "Charles Lenington" <macso...@tds.net>
>       •       Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 9:50 AM
>       •       To: <g3-5-list@googlegroups.com>
>       •       Subject: receipt reply required for each message
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       Len Gerstel <lgers...@gmail.com> Nov 15 12:17PM -0500
>       •       
>       •       
>       •       On Nov 15, 2009, at 10:50 AM, Charles Lenington wrote:
>       •        
>       •       >
>       •       > sends to the list?
>       •        
>       •       Can someone chose Show Long Headers (View->Message->Long 
> Headers) and 
>       •       forward me one of these.
>       •        
>       •       I have not been getting them, nor have they shown up in either 
> my spam 
>       •       or trapped by gmail spam filters.
>       •        
>       •       Thanks,
>       •       Len
>       •        
>       •       Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu> Nov 15 10:24AM 
> -0700
>       •       
>       •       
>       •       On Nov 15, 2009, at 8:50 AM, Charles Lenington wrote:
>       •        
>       •       >
>       •       > sends to the list?
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       I have not been getting these, so it's not everyone.
>       •        
>       •       -- 
>       •       Bruce Johnson
>       •        
>       •       "Wherever you go, there you are" B. Banzai, PhD
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       Ted Treen <ted.tr...@btinternet.com> Nov 15 05:30PM
>       •       
>       •       Bruce Johnson wrote:
>       •       >
>       •       > 
>       •       Ive been getting them in the UK
>       •        
>       •       Ted
>       •        
>       •       Peter <peter1...@gmail.com> Nov 15 12:34PM -0500
>       •       
>       •       
>       •       On Nov 15, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:
>       •        
>       •       >
>       •       > "Wherever you go, there you are" B. Banzai, PhD
>       •        
>       •       Nope, never received one.
>       •        
>       •       Peter M.
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       Charles Lenington <macso...@tds.net> Nov 15 12:18PM -0600
>       •       
>       •       Nestamicky wrote:
>       •       >
>       •       > 
>       •       under t-bird
>       •        
>       •       prefs-advanced-general-return receipts top line
>       •        
>       •       I don't know about others.
>       •        
>       •       charles
>       •        
>       •       diane <di...@mathermotorsports.com> Nov 15 02:27PM -0500
>       •       
>       •       At 12:18 PM -0600 11/15/09, Charles Lenington wrote:
>       •       >
>       •       >I don't know about others.
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       Eudora has a little button that says "notify sender".
>       •        
>       •       Diane
>       •        
>       •       Richard Gerome <onecoolka...@earthlink.net> Nov 15 03:19PM -0500
>       •       
>       •       
>       •       I'm not getting anything like that, everything is good here 
> with my acct!!! 
>       •        
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       -----Original Message-----
>       •        
>  Topic: iPhoto home movies disappear using CCC
>       •       Al Poulin <alfred.pou...@gmail.com> Nov 15 07:52AM -0800
>       •       
>       •       > and had no reason till now to believe that anything was 
> amiss. I hope  
>       •       > time machine is better :-( Jeff
>       •        
>       •       I cannot hope to help solve this problem, but for the sake of
>       •       providing more information, I'd like to pose a few questions 
> where
>       •       your answers may help Dan and others understand your situation. 
> How
>       •       have you excluded other possible causes? When did you last make 
> a
>       •       successful retrieval from the backups? Have you moved iPhoto 
> contents
>       •       from one media to another since then? Have you "upgraded" the OS
>       •       since then?, "updated" iPhoto since then? I have the vague 
> impression
>       •       that some folks have lost the connection to their photos for 
> several
>       •       reasons not related to CCC.
>       •        
>       •       What settings have you been using in CCC? Has Time Machine been
>       •       better?
>       •        
>       •       Al Poulin
>       •        
>       •       Tom <tba...@nmia.com> Nov 15 11:10AM -0800
>       •       
>       •       I don't know anything about CCC, but last month I had a big 
> hard drive
>       •       drop dead in my G5 that was full of movies, made by iMovie, 
> Final Cut
>       •       Express, and Final Cut Pro. But fortunately I have this G5 
> connected
>       •       to a 1 TB external hard drive with Time Machine backing up to 
> it, and
>       •       it saved the day. I put a new hard drive in the G5 and told Time
>       •       Machine to restore the data from the dead drive to it, and it 
> worked
>       •       perfectly. Every restored movie launches and runs just fine, 
> and the
>       •       OS was also restored and boots up without a hitch. After the 
> restore
>       •       process was done (it took hours) it was as if the original 
> drive had
>       •       never died; everything was back to normal and works great.
>       •        
>       •       Another thing: since Time Machine makes hourly backups, when I'm
>       •       editing video and really screw something up, all I have to do 
> is enter
>       •       Time Machine and go back a few hours to get an earlier version 
> of the
>       •       movie and start over. Very convenient.
>       •        
>       •       So I can certainly recommend and endorse Time Machine.
>       •        
>       •       Tom
>       •        
>       •       Dan <dantear...@gmail.com> Nov 15 02:21PM -0500
>       •       
>       •       At 4:25 PM -0800 11/14/2009, Jeffrey Engle wrote:
>       •       >I've been trusting in CCC for 2-3 years and now I'm heart sick 
> to find
>       •        
>       •       OS? CCC version? Any errors being thrown into system log or ccc 
> log?
>       •        
>       •       >duration" all you get is "0:00" and all that's left is a 
> "photo"
>       •       >representation of the movie that used to be there.
>       •        
>       •       You're trying to open the movie from within iPhoto or Finder?
>       •        
>       •       Are the files physically the right size?
>       •        
>       •       >library is very large
>       •       >and had no reason till now to believe that anything was amiss.
>       •        
>       •       What steps have you taken to re-point iPhoto to your backup?
>       •        
>       •       - Dan.
>       •       -- 
>       •       - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.
>       •        
>       •       Jeffrey Engle <macgu...@gmail.com> Nov 15 11:23AM -0800
>       •       
>       •       
>       •       On Nov 15, 2009, at 7:52 AM, Al Poulin wrote:
>       •        
>       •       > your answers may help Dan and others understand your 
> situation. How
>       •       > have you excluded other possible causes?
>       •       Since iphoto is the only program that's relatively untouched by 
>       •       anything else but CCC, That was my conclusion. I might be wrong 
> here...
>       •       > When did you last make a
>       •       > successful retrieval from the backups?
>       •       2007
>       •       > Have you moved iPhoto contents
>       •       > from one media to another since then?
>       •       only from one drive to another via CCC
>       •       > Have you "upgraded" the OS
>       •       > since then?
>       •       No
>       •       > , "updated" iPhoto since then?
>       •       I have upgraded iPhoto
>       •       > What settings have you been using in CCC? Has Time Machine 
> been
>       •       > better?
>       •       I've always used CCC in the past simply because it make a 
> bootable 
>       •       backup. The last time I used Time Machine over a network 
> connection 
>       •       with my macbook I had problems with it. The one thing that 
> hasn't 
>       •       failed me so far is simply burning to disks and that's what I'm 
> going 
>       •       to continue to do from now on. Jeff
>       •        
>       •       Jeffrey Engle <macgu...@gmail.com> Nov 15 11:30AM -0800
>       •       
>       •       
>       •       On Nov 15, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Dan wrote:
>       •        
>       •        
>  Topic: CCC hosed t-bird update 1
>       •       Dan <dantear...@gmail.com> Nov 15 02:26PM -0500
>       •       
>       •       At 11:09 PM -0600 11/14/2009, Charles Lenington wrote:
>       •       >latest attempt. Still missing some messages although folders 
> are 
>       •       >showing empty sub folders.
>       •        
>       •       Is Thunderbird running when you're making the backup?
>       •        
>       •       I've got a thunderbird set-up here - and it backs up fine, fwiw.
>       •        
>       •       You're running the backup from an admin account, yes? And when 
> you 
>       •       check the backup, you're doing it from an account that is able 
> to see 
>       •       within those folders, or using sudo from Terminal?
>       •        
>       •       >Some of the missing data folders seem to lock up requiring 
> force quit.
>       •        
>       •       How do folder lock up? Force quit of what? Not sure what you 
> mean here.
>       •        
>       •       > Archive: No
>       •       > Compress: No
>       •        
>       •       Check delete, protect, and archive. That will tell CCC to 
> maintain 
>       •       the _CCC incremental folders - so you can see what's been 
> replaced 
>       •       from backup to backup.
>       •        
>       •       - Dan.
>       •       -- 
>       •       - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.
>       •        
>  Topic: RIP needed
>       •       Geoff Black <bla...@telkomsa.net> Nov 15 07:27PM +0200
>       •       
>       •       Anyone have or know where I can get a rip for my encad 880.
>       •        
>       •       The printer is 6 yrs old and newer rips do not support it....
>       •       aside from being extremely expensive ...(for whatever reason)...
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       At the time I had a wasatch 4.5 rip, but my cd has degarded and 
> wont 
>       •       install.
>       •        
>       •       It seems that Wasatch, onyx, posterjet... will all work but 
> they need 
>       •       to be oldishversions to support this model.
>       •        
>       •       Rgds Geoff b
>       •        
>  Topic: Throwing out old password on G4 iBook running Tiger 10.4.11
>       •       Dwight Hines <dwight.hi...@gmail.com> Nov 15 07:14AM -0500
>       •       
>       •       I just purchased a used G4 iBook running Tiger 10.4.11 and many 
> of the
>       •       folders do not give me permission to open them. Folders like 
> System
>       •       Preferences that has things I need to reset.
>       •        
>       •       There is a procedure for blowing away the old password but I'm 
> not sure what
>       •       it is and I think it required the startup disks, which did not 
> come with the
>       •       computer.
>       •        
>       •       Suggestions?
>       •        
>       •       Dwight Hines
>       •       St. Augustine, Florida
>       •        
>       •       Nestamicky <nestami...@gmail.com> Nov 15 08:34AM -0700
>       •       
>       •       On 11/15/09 5:14 AM, Dwight Hines wrote:
>       •       > what it is and I think it required the startup disks, which 
> did not come
>       •       > with the computer.
>       •       Try this:
>       •       1. Boot into single user mode (press Command-S at power on)
>       •       2. Type fsck -fy
>       •       3. Type mount -uw /
>       •       4. Type launchctl load 
>       •       /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.DirectoryServices.plist
>       •       5. Type dscl . -passwd /Users/username password, replacing 
> username 
>       •       with the targeted user and password with the desired password.
>       •       6. Reboot
>       •        
>       •        
>       •        
> -- 
> You received this message because you are a member of G-Group, a group for 
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