On Nov 15, 2009, at 3:48 AM, g3-5-list@googlegroups.com wrote:

>  Today's Topic Summary
>       •       Data Recovery Part 2 [4 updates]
>       •       CCC hosed t-bird update 1 [1 update]
>       •       Newbie G4 Dual 1.25 FW 400 OS9 Boot Problem [1 update]
>       •       Will a 1.6 GHz Processor Upgrade Allow my G4 to Run Flash? [4 
> updates]
>       •       Single "boop" on startup [2 updates]
>       •       iPhoto home movies disappear using CCC [1 update]
>  Topic: Data Recovery Part 2
>       •       Paul <pper...@gmail.com> Nov 14 06:12PM -0800
>       •       
>       •       Testdisk seems more suitable for fixing partition problems, 
> rather
>       •       than recovering a directory structure lost by formatting. The 
> demo
>       •       versions of both File Salvage and Data Rescue have brought up a 
> bunch
>       •       of working files. Since the disk is formatted FAT32 (but 
> formatted on
>       •       a Mac by Disk Utility), I had tried it on a PC, but there 
> several
>       •       different recovery tools found lots of files, but they were 
> unreadable.
>       •        
>       •       Baha Ata <baha...@gmail.com> Nov 15 04:16AM +0200
>       •       
>       •       than recovering a directory structure lost by formatting
>       •        
>       •       Try test disc with deep search...
>       •        
>       •       do not use lots of recovey tools that change disc 
> architecture...
>       •        
>       •       For Data Rescue...
>       •       
> http://www.macosxapplications.com/system-disk-utilities/data-rescue-3-emergency-hard-drive-recovery-file-recovery/
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       2009/11/15 Paul <pper...@gmail.com>
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       -- 
>       •       Baha Ata
>       •        
>       •       Paul <pper...@gmail.com> Nov 14 11:23PM -0800
>       •       
>       •       As far as I know, none of the tools I used changed the disk at 
> all.
>       •        
>       •       Now that I looked at it and found out what it's for, the 
> companion
>       •       utility to Testdisk - Photorec - looks more promising for what 
> I'm
>       •       trying to do. It finds deleted files, rather than deleted 
> partitions.
>       •       There's a version for Mac, Windows, and Linux. And it's free.
>       •        
>       •       Baha Ata <baha...@gmail.com> Nov 15 11:06AM +0200
>       •       
>       •       good thing share your expeirence after please
>       •        
>       •       2009/11/15 Paul <pper...@gmail.com>
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       -- 
>       •       Baha Ata
>       •        
>  Topic: CCC hosed t-bird update 1
>       •       Charles Lenington <macso...@tds.net> Nov 14 11:09PM -0600
>       •       
>       •       Dan wrote:
>       •       > - Dan.
>       •       > 
>       •        
>       •       latest attempt. Still missing some messages although folders 
> are showing 
>       •       empty sub folders.
>       •       Appears to have more messages now but not all.
>       •       Some of the missing data folders seem to lock up requiring 
> force quit. I 
>       •       used incremental clone.
>       •       Ran disk repair (and repair permissions although I know it 
> shouldn't 
>       •       affect problem).
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       log
>       •        
>       •       ==================== Carbon Copy Cloner (v. 3.3): 2009-11-14 
> 13:46:35 -0600 ====================
>       •        
>       •       Operating System: Version 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
>       •        
>       •       Hardware:
>       •       hw.machine: Power Macintosh
>       •       hw.model: PowerMac3,6
>       •       hw.logicalcpu: 1
>       •       hw.physmem: 2147483648
>       •       vm.loadavg: 1.27 1.36 1.00
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       Task: Copying selected files (-psn_0_2883585)
>       •       Source: mdd1.0 d2 (/dev/disk1s3, 
> 9B59AA28-32FB-3AE0-A300-B3CA1E1D1900)
>       •       Mount point: /
>       •       Filesystem: hfs
>       •       Capacity: 68.44 GiB 
>       •       Used: 48.19 GiB 
>       •       Available: 20.25 GiB 
>       •       Mac OS X version: 10.4.11
>       •        
>       •       Target: mdd1.0 d3 180 (/Volumes/mdd1.0 d3 180/ [/dev/disk2s3, 
> A5E6D052-379C-3570-8EA1-1285EB351CEA])
>       •       Mount point: /Volumes/mdd1.0 d3 180
>       •       Filesystem: hfs
>       •       Capacity: 172.43 GiB 
>       •       Used: 63.71 MiB 
>       •       Available: 172.37 GiB 
>       •       Mac OS X version: Mac OS not installed
>       •        
>       •       Bootability: This volume will be bootable.
>       •        
>       •       Cloning method: Incremental backup of selected items
>       •       Delete: No
>       •       Protect: No
>       •       Archive: No
>       •       Compress: No
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       13:46:35 The target volume has ownership enabled.
>       •       13:46:35 ACLs are not enabled on the source volume, not 
> enabling them on the target volume.
>       •       13:46:35 Authenticating...
>       •       13:47:32 Initiating synchronization engine...
>       •       13:47:32 Building a list of items to be considered for backup
>       •       13:53:25 Preparing to copy, total items to consider: 561909
>       •       13:53:25 Build time: 353.168
>       •       13:53:50 Comparing selected items on the source and target...
>       •       15:44:22 Hiding files that should be hidden...
>       •       15:44:22 Blessing the target volume...
>       •       15:44:23 The backup operation has completed. Elapsed time: 
> 01:56:51
>       •       15:44:23 Summary statistics: 
>       •       Data copied: 46.48 GiB [Please see 
> http://www.bombich.com/software/docs/CCCHelp/CCCHelp.html?page=debug for a 
> comment about this figure]
>       •       Regular files copied: 442488
>       •       Directories: 109595
>       •       Regular files: 445042
>       •       Symlinks: 7238
>       •       Devices: 0
>       •       Special files: 34
>       •       Hard links: 2554
>       •       Extended attributes: 40575 (129.22 MiB)
>       •        
>       •       
> ================================================================================
>       •        
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       18:48:02 Launched Carbon Copy Cloner [3.3] on Version 10.4.11 
> (Build 8S165)
>       •        
>       •       ==================== Carbon Copy Cloner (v. 3.3): 2009-11-14 
> 18:48:27 -0600 ====================
>       •        
>       •       Operating System: Version 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
>       •        
>       •       Hardware:
>       •       hw.machine: Power Macintosh
>       •       hw.model: PowerMac3,6
>       •       hw.logicalcpu: 1
>       •       hw.physmem: 2147483648
>       •       vm.loadavg: 1.49 1.27 1.08
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       Task: Copying selected files (-psn_0_2359297)
>       •       Source: mdd1.0 d2 (/dev/disk2s3, 
> 9B59AA28-32FB-3AE0-A300-B3CA1E1D1900)
>       •       Mount point: /
>       •       Filesystem: hfs
>       •       Capacity: 68.44 GiB 
>       •       Used: 48.21 GiB 
>       •       Available: 20.22 GiB 
>       •       Mac OS X version: 10.4.11
>       •        
>       •       Target: mdd1.0 d3 180 (/Volumes/mdd1.0 d3 180/ [/dev/disk0s3, 
> A5E6D052-379C-3570-8EA1-1285EB351CEA])
>       •       Mount point: /Volumes/mdd1.0 d3 180
>       •       Filesystem: hfs
>       •       Capacity: 172.43 GiB 
>       •       Used: 48.02 GiB 
>       •       Available: 124.41 GiB 
>       •       Mac OS X version: 10.4.11
>       •        
>       •       Bootability: This volume will be bootable.
>       •        
>       •       Cloning method: Incremental backup of selected items
>       •       Delete: No
>       •       Protect: No
>       •       Archive: No
>       •       Compress: No
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       18:48:28 The target volume has ownership enabled.
>       •       18:48:28 ACLs are not enabled on the source volume, not 
> enabling them on the target volume.
>       •       18:48:28 Authenticating...
>       •       18:49:11 Initiating synchronization engine...
>       •       18:49:11 Building a list of items to be considered for backup
>       •       18:55:03 Preparing to copy, total items to consider: 562018
>       •       18:55:03 Build time: 351.419
>       •       18:55:28 Comparing selected items on the source and target...
>       •       19:00:30 Hiding files that should be hidden...
>       •       19:00:30 Blessing the target volume...
>       •       19:00:31 The backup operation has completed. Elapsed time: 
> 00:11:20
>       •       19:00:32 Summary statistics: 
>       •       Data copied: 991.66 MiB [Please see 
> http://www.bombich.com/software/docs/CCCHelp/CCCHelp.html?page=debug for a 
> comment about this figure]
>       •       Regular files copied: 418
>       •       Directories: 109597
>       •       Regular files: 445149
>       •       Symlinks: 7238
>       •       Devices: 0
>       •       Special files: 34
>       •       Hard links: 2554
>       •       Extended attributes: 40575 (0.06 MiB)
>       •        
>       •       
> ================================================================================
>       •        
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       20:29:40 Launched Carbon Copy Cloner [3.3] on Version 10.4.11 
> (Build 8S165)
>       •        
>       •        
>       •        
>       •        
>       •        
>  Topic: Newbie G4 Dual 1.25 FW 400 OS9 Boot Problem
>       •       Brian Buddy <brn_rch...@yahoo.com> Nov 14 07:43PM -0800
>       •       
>       •       I'm looking for somebody who can help me find a copy of original
>       •       software for this model.
>       •        
>       •       I bought one because it would dual boot. It didn't come with 
> original
>       •       software and the OS9 partition never worked right.
>       •        
>       •       To get this thing to boot I need a copy of OS 9 that only came 
> with
>       •       this model.
>       •        
>       •       Either that or a Copy of the proper ROM and soundspace.
>       •        
>       •       Can anybody help?
>       •        
>       •       I live in SW Michigan if you can help and you are near.
>       •        
>       •       Thank You.
>       •        
>  Topic: Will a 1.6 GHz Processor Upgrade Allow my G4 to Run Flash?
>       •       Clark Martin <cm...@sonic.net> Nov 14 05:59PM -0800
>       •       
>       •       Paul wrote:
>       •       > had 400 MHz machines?
>       •       > 
>       •        
>       •       Flash has gotten worse, it just hasn't gotten worse faster than 
> machines 
>       •       have gotten faster.
>       •        
>       •       But don't worry, I'm sure they are striving day and night to 
> make Flash 
>       •       even worse.
>       •        
>       •       -- 
>       •       Clark Martin
>       •       Redwood City, CA, USA
>       •       Macintosh / Internet Consulting
>       •        
>       •       "I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"
>       •        
>       •       Paul <pper...@gmail.com> Nov 14 06:06PM -0800
>       •       
>       •       At first I thought you must be talking about the machine power 
> needed
>       •       to develop Flash, but it looks like you're just talking about 
> running
>       •       the Flash stuff that shows up on the Internet. I use Flashblock 
> on
>       •       Firefox out of self-defense. So much bloated Flash crap could 
> be done
>       •       instead with modestly sized animated GIF's. Oh, but that would 
> be so
>       •       prehistoric and not bleeding edge. Well, let me tell you - 
> Flash is
>       •       pretty old, it's been around forever, and seems to need a new 
> security
>       •       update every month or less.
>       •        
>       •       What's Flash good for? Helping web developers keep their jobs?
>       •        
>       •       But I'm preaching to the choir, aren't I?
>       •        
>       •       "Michael B. in Cincinnati" <wmicha...@fuse.net> Nov 14 07:06PM 
> -0800
>       •       
>       •       My primary interest in flash is to watch Nova on hulu.com. The 
> site
>       •       requires an upgrade to Flash 9, which isn't available for my 
> 64-bit
>       •       Ubuntu system. But with the Flash 9 upgrade, it seems to run ok 
> on the
>       •       G4. It almost maxes out the CPU when I first run a show, and 
> then
>       •       settles down to about 60% on both CPU's. It's a little jerky,
>       •       especially in full screen mode, but watchable. I may still get 
> an
>       •       upgrade, but at least for the moment I can do what I want.
>       •        
>       •       Thanks for all your inputs!
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       Kris Tilford <ktilfo...@cox.net> Nov 14 09:21PM -0600
>       •       
>       •       On Nov 14, 2009, at 9:06 PM, Michael B. in Cincinnati wrote:
>       •        
>       •       > The site requires an upgrade to Flash 9, which isn't 
> available for 
>       •       > my 64-bit Ubuntu system.
>       •        
>       •       Not true. See "Install Flash 10 Under Ubuntu Linux 64-bit 
> Edition":
>       •        
>       •       
> <http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html>
>       •        
>       •        
>  Topic: Single "boop" on startup
>       •       Andy <andy.the...@gmail.com> Nov 15 12:36AM
>       •       
>       •       > 
>       •       > I've got a G4 that's giving me startup problems.
>       •        
>       •       Which G4? Tower? Powerbook? Ibook?
>       •       > 
>       •        
>       •       > currently just getting a single "boop" tone on start up.
>       •        
>       •       On all G4 Towers except the PCI graphics, 1 beep at startup 
> means that
>       •       either there's no RAM installed or no RAM can be detected.
>       •       > 
>       •       > I've swapped processors, ram,
>       •        
>       •       Swapped RAM with "Known good" RAM ? Could be RAM slots not 
> functioning, RAM
>       •       not seated properly, dirty connections?
>       •        
>       •       If you could provide a little more information we'd have more 
> to go on.
>       •        
>       •       Andy
>       •        
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       Bill Christensen <billc_li...@greenbuilder.com> Nov 14 09:16PM 
> -0600
>       •       
>       •       At 12:36 AM +0000 11/15/09, Andy wrote:
>       •       >Which G4? Tower? Powerbook? Ibook?
>       •       >>
>       •        
>       •       Yeah, it's a tower. Sorry I wasn't clear on that. 20-pin 
> connector 
>       •       from the power supply, so I'm pretty sure it's a sawtooth. 
> Family 
>       •       M5183, G4 AGP Graphics according to 
>       •       <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3082?viewlocale=en_US>
>       •        
>       •       >On all G4 Towers except the PCI graphics, 1 beep at startup 
> means that
>       •       >either there's no RAM installed or no RAM can be detected.
>       •        
>       •       Hmmmm. I've tried known good RAM from another machine.
>       •        
>       •       >Swapped RAM with "Known good" RAM ? Could be RAM slots not 
> functioning, RAM
>       •       >not seated properly, dirty connections?
>       •        
>       •       It's definitely seated. I'll try cleaning the connections. I've 
>       •       tried several slots with known good RAM, but will try again. 
> Perhaps 
>       •       I'm using RAM that works in my other machines but not this one. 
> I'll 
>       •       see what I can do about finding an exact match - I've got four 
> others 
>       •       of the same type, but they're all busy all the time.
>       •        
>       •        
>       •       -- 
>       •       Bill Christensen
>       •       <http://greenbuilder.com/contact/>
>       •        
>       •       Green Building Professionals Directory: 
> <http://directory.greenbuilder.com>
>       •       Sustainable Building Calendar: 
> <http://Calendar.SustainableSources.com>
>       •       Green Real Estate: <http://www.greenbuilder.com/realestate/>
>       •       Straw Bale Registry: <http://sbregistry.greenbuilder.com/>
>       •       Books/videos/software: <http://bookstore.greenbuilder.com/>
>       •        
>  Topic: iPhoto home movies disappear using CCC
>       •       Jeffrey Engle <macgu...@gmail.com> Nov 14 04:25PM -0800
>       •       
>       •       I've been trusting in CCC for 2-3 years and now I'm heart sick 
> to find 
>       •       that some of my home movies have gone bye-bye. The movies "look 
> to be" 
>       •       there, but when you double click them to watch them, there is 
> no "time 
>       •       duration" all you get is "0:00" and all that's left is a 
> "photo" 
>       •       representation of the movie that used to be there. I've been 
> backing 
>       •       up to other drives for a long time as my iphoto library is very 
> large 
>       •       and had no reason till now to believe that anything was amiss. 
> I hope 
>       •       time machine is better :-( Jeff
>       •        
> -- 
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