300 Mb (bytes) was free space avail on disk - info from in finder windows
and activity monitor - After clean up went to 8+ GB - Installed flash
blocker and reopened all windows and it is at 7.7 GB right now.  So yeah I
had over 8 Gb in disc cache - that seems unusual.

Yes the system is 10.4.X fully updated - was just shorthanding to
distinguish from 10.5 and 10.6.  Not sure if there is any difference in how
they work on this particular point.

Act monitor is on 2 sec calcs - so not really spiking - just seems to be all
those damn flash ads running in the background of non active pages.


> From: Dan <dantear...@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: "g3-5-list@googlegroups.com" <g3-5-list@googlegroups.com>
> Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 09:44:39 -0500
> To: "g3-5-list@googlegroups.com" <g3-5-list@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: Re: Safari Using up Disc Space
> At 12:01 AM -0500 12/25/2009, Erik Hancock wrote:
>> Was at 300Mb now at 6.58GB after shutting down browsers and
>> restarting.  That's quite a big cache  - will try to reopen sites
>> and shee what happens.
> 300 Megabits?
>  From where are you getting these numbers?
>> In activity Monitor - about 102% of Cpu goes to the Browser -  not
>> sure how that happens.
> Change it to update less often.  The usage calc when not averaged can
> include spikes.
>> Left off the machine info since I thought that was extraneous.
> The devil is always in the details.  Apps behave differently on
> different machines and OSen.
>> G4 AGP/1.5GHz/ 2MB ram/OS 10.4/ Safari 4.04
> Just 10.4?  Not fully updated?
>> No real add-ons for safari -  Sometimes use Firefox with ad blocker.
>> Any other reccomendatiosn for add-ons?
> I use ClickToFlash and SafariBlock.  The former puts Flash under
> control immediately. The latter an older/grumpy inputmanager, that
> will block any url you feed it.  It comes with a massive list, that I
> find slows things down, so I just have it use my own short custom
> list.
>> I usually have 10 or so pages with multiple tabs.  I also tend to
>> leave the app open rather than closing and reloading frequently -
>> but it happens about one a week due to app freezing - now think it
>> is due to lack of HD space - which seems odd for this app to be
>> using so much space.
> If you were dealing with just Safari, then leaving it running for
> such a long time would be fine.  But you're not.  There be Flash
> here.  And Flash - besides chewing memory and cpu even when
> supposedly "idle", has some serious memory leaks.  The only way to
> clear the leaks is to quit the browser now and then.
> - Dan.
> -- 
> - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.
> -- 
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