On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 2:14 AM, Dan <dantear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At 12:41 AM +0000 5/18/2010, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:
>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Jeffrey Engle <macgu...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>  > On May 17, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Dennis Myhand wrote:
>>>>  Facebook reminds me of all the reasons I hate blogs.  Just because
>>>>  everyone has something to say doesn't mean its all worth listening to.
>>  >> Peace, Dennis in Victoria
> Facebook is certainly one of the low points of the www.

Refer back to my second post. not looking for opinions of FB here at
all. please stay on point.

> About the only good I've seen it used for is as part of background checks on
> perspective employees.

I keep telling my God daughter that but she keeps joining FB groups
with F*** **O in the title. Those young rebels. If they knew the names
of their prospective interviewers they would dig out the web dirt on
them too and blackmail them into giving jobs. But it is usually only
the college graduates who are smart enoguht for that . So be on your
guard for any KSU grads they specialize in it. The spooky little
NEOCON tykes that they are.

  It's amazing how many (often illegal) things people
> fess up to these social networking sites.

Yeah i think I covered that angle in previous posts. Is that relevant to my OP ?
And some web dirt will come out no matter how much anyone hides.

 I really love the to watch the
> look on an applicant's face when they're confronted with such.

Well if you are confronting job prospects with dirt be careful some
does not rub off. Voicing it here is still web searchable.  And there
are some advanced trickster college grads out there.  Yes if you got
the info as a casual search it is fair game. if you hacked there
privacy settings you are perhaps open to law suit and are certainly
guilty of ethical violations. Your company may be interested in that.

 Then there's
> the extra point - when the cops in the lobby arrest them on the way out...

And who says everyone who uses Facebook have done criminal acts? Or is
stupid enough to reveal it there. Do you think the typical FB user out
of the hundreds of millions is a criminal. Psychological research
points to those who voice such beliefs are projecting.
>> In THIS thread I am the score keeper.  Provocation is instant
>> disqualification. Stay on point.
>> NOT asking opinions ABOUT FB.
>> Am asking if the Low End Mac Wall on FB is legit.
> Why don't you read what's on the Info page?

Not enough info there. Why do you think I am asking?  many Walls there
are squatter groups co-opting names etc. If this really is a LEM
effort why are there only 3 members? other mac pages on FB have
thousands of members.
>> And if so why Listers are not supporting the effort.
> So you ARE asking for opins. Not ABOUT FB. But about the Low End mac group 
> page on FB. Must I constantly point out the difference.  ( in modern parlance 
> - Duuh !)
> An issue or THE issue?   And by implication are you saying that if we don't
> support that Facebook page then we don't believe in LEM?

Look for the explicative here and not the implicative. look for the
reality as i am  and quite projecting your bait upon me. I asked for
simple info Use the KISS evaluation here.

That's rather
> insulting.

Please reread  the above.

Uh yea - I support LEM so I'm going to hop on over to that
> latest lame a** web site and post some random stupidity.

Well I guess you did not read the part where you might have read me
suggesting we populate the Wall with real LEM lister input and legit
or not make it legit by our own participation and example. But i guess
if a person is more intent on being insulted and offended thant really
reading plain English they would miss that. Not at ALL suggesting that
you are like that  Note that I said " if A person ". Just trying to
communicate clearly through the fog.

Again, I repeat -  Those who hate FB please start a NEW thread. maybe
titled something like " I hate Facebook and Facebook users because ".
That way it is easy for me to delete.

Adrian D'Alessio aka; Fluxstringer

   http://www.linkedin.com    /in/fluxstreamcommunications

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