Cool Geke, Thanks for that info!!! 
     I just got "AGP PNY nVidia GeForce FX 5200 128 video card and an Airport 
Card for $32.00 off ebay, I am looking at a 2005 WD 160 7200rpm IDE 3.5" HD now 
for $45.00 total with the shipping! Is this HD too old (I heard the older ones 
failed)??? Also a Pioneer CD/DVD RW Burner Drive Writer DVR-118L for $40.00 
total with the shipping too!!! Does all this sound like a good deal??? Thank 
You everyone for your input!!! I still have to find the memory yet... 

>Hi Rich,
>Something's weird: You say the model number is M5183 (Sawtooth), but
>the other info you give fits to a Digital Audio. Here's a good page
>for specs and lots of links with upgrade tips:
>I think the main thing to improve is the HD. Don't worry about the
>size; you can partition them in chunks smaller than 120GB if
>Then you can install the system software and start using the computer.
>While working, you'll see what else is needed. If it's actually a
>466MHz Digital Audio with 896MB, it's the same model I have, and I can
>tell you from experience that it runs Adobe DreamWeaver (CS3) under
>10.4.11, not fast, but usable. Still, it would certainly be good to
>upgrade the RAM to the maximum 1.5GB.
>Be careful which RAM you buy: the modules should absolutely be "low-
>density", and most of what is offered is "high-density". I learned the
>hard way: One ebay-shop offered a 512MB stick labelled as "low-
>density" (12$) and another labelled as "universal low-density" (30$).
>When I asked them which to buy for my Mac, they advised the more
>expensive one. Somehow I was too dense to understand that they were
>fooling around with the descriptions, bought the cheaper module, and
>sure enough, it didn't work.
>So, if you can, try the module before buying it, because you may find
>working ones for about 12-15$ (I did once); if you can't try them
>first, play it safe and buy the more expensive ones.
>For the harddisk, I don't know if you need SATA; I'm using IDE (pATA)
>and have no problems.
>I don't know if it's easy to find a SATA-card for this model. But if
>it's similar to USB2-cards, beware: almost no card works properly!
>(After searching around for some time, I just bought a new case for my
>external harddisk: a model with both Firewire and USB-2 connections,
>so it's fast on my computer and on others.)
>I think the ATI rage 128 pro has two connectors: ADC, which works only
>with some Apple monitors, and VGA, which works with almost all PC
>monitors. So for starters, you can probably connect that HP screen.
>But if it has a DVI connector, you'll want to buy another graphics
>card. There are convertors from ADC to DVI, but they cost almost the
>same as a graphics card. I'm quite happy with the ATI Radeon 9000 Pro
>which I bought on ebay for about 40$; it has both ADC and DVI
>Good luck!
>> >   I have a friend who has this G4 Power Mac M5183 tower and keyboard she 
>> > doesn't have the monitor, she wants to upgrade this machine to it's full 
>> > capacity and run Tiger 10.4.11 so she can do her web design work and it 
>> > needs to be dual boot OS9.2.2 too...
>>    Ok the computer was built around July 2002 it has a 466mhz processor, 
>> 896mb (1-128mb/1-256mb/1-512mb)

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