On Jul 20, 9:02 am, Dan <dantear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At 12:19 AM -0700 7/20/2010, Gus wrote:
> >G4 Yikes with 400mhz Processor clocked to 450 / 750 mb memory. a PC
> >keyboard hooked to the USB port. PC mouse hooked to the USB port.
> >I got this processor from ebay.  Says it is a 500 mhz G4.  DId a one
> >for one swap with the G4 on my Yikes board. (left jumpers at 450).
> >Chime, But no video.
> >Cant zap pram (think it is because of the PC Keyboard)  But should I need to?
> With the new CPU installed... Unplug the system.  Pull the PRAM
> battery.  Wait a minute.  Reinstall the battery.  Wait about 30 secs
> then press the CUDA button ONCE.  That will both reset the PRAM and
> properly reboot the power manager.
> >For grins, I did drop the system clock from 400.. then up to 500  No
> >change with the 500 mhz g4,  Still chimes, no video.
> Any time you make a change to the system, such as replacing the CPU
> or changing the clock speed, you need to reset the power manager
> (press and release the CUDA button ONCE).
> WRT the chime... That's the self-test telling you that the CPU,
> buses, and memory responded correctly.  It has nothing to do with how
> the peripherals respond to the changed clock speeds.
> - Dan.
> --
> - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

Okay.  Powered down.  Pulled the known good cpu.  (didn't change any
clock settings).
Put the known good cpu in. (secured heatsink ect)
Removed the battery.
Pressed cuda button (once) (for about three seconds).  (the cuda
button is still in the same place as the b&w Yosemite board, closest
to the battery.

Gave it a power up.

Still the same.  Post chime the disk activity leds light for a few
seconds, then go out first one, then the other.

repeated steps above with the inclusion of a remove power cord and let
it set for 10 mins.

same results

put the known good 450 in.  booted machine, came here and wrote these

Anything else I should try before I tell this guy his cpu doesn't
work.  I want to be sure of this.

(much appreciate your time in this)


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