At 05:52 -0700 8/11/10, John Carmonne wrote:
>I have a G4 Cube and PM G4 MDD both boot OS9 and I use a program to 
>communicate data to CNC machinery. The method was always via printer or modem 
>ports on the pre G4 machines with those ports. So the G4's have USB and I need 
>to transfer the files via Mac to a RS232C hub connected to 8 CNC machines. The 
>communication program has all the setup configurations, however only affords 
>either printer or modem port. Is there any hope of making this work. 

 - - -
I have been using an old Mac SE/30 for that kind of thing. OS 7.5 talks to OS 
10.3.9 quite well on ethernet but you can't use Tiger. With OS 9 you'll be fine.

But you should be warned that RS232 has been modified in usage more or less 
recently. USB to RS232 converters, especially those that use power from the USB 
bus at +5 volts claim to be RS 232 compliant but they are not  if you read the 
RS-232C standard which is all I can afford.

The problem is that the new stuff doesn't go negative to represent a mark 
(logic 1) condition. It just goes low enough, about +100 mV, to look like a 
logic low to a modern CMOS gate.  Your CNC machine or hub may well requite a 
voltage below -3 V which is the RS 232C standard. Mac serial ports are fine 
with that. I have also used a 1.5 volt dry cell in series with the TxD data 
line polarized to subtract 1.5 volts from the fake RS232 signal from the 
USB->RS232 converter.

Something else I find useful is a cheap Intel box that's just good enough to 
run Linux and still has serial ports. Linux is comfortable with OS-9 and all 
versions of OS neXt over Ethernet. If you're willing to  learn some perl have a 
look at <>. It goes the other 
way, reading from an oscilloscope over RS-232 but might be a starting point.

--> If the US citizens between 18 and 21 would exercise their right to vote we 
wouldn't have a 21 year  drinking age. <--

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