----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: G4 Disk Capacity Limit - Real or Logical?
Date:    Sonntag 29 August 2010N
From:    Bill Christensen <billc_li...@greenbuilder.com>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

> I'm looking at the specs on a Gig Ethernet on Everymac.com and it
> appears that it has an ATA-5 and an ATA-3 for the optical drive. (
> see
> <http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac_g4/stats/powermac_g4_500_dp
> .html>)

Best you go into Open Firmware to check for the correct ATA numbers:
(hold Cmd-Opt-O-F right after the chime)

One Example:
> Apple PowerMac1,1 1.1f4 BootROM built on 04/09/99 at 13:57:32
> Copyright 1994-1999 Apple Computer, Inc.
> All Rights Reserved.
> OpenFirmware 3.1.1
> To continue booting, type "mac-boot" and press return.
> To shut down, type "shut-down" and press return.
>  ok
> 0 >

Just enter "devalias" and look for ata-<something> values:

> 0 > devalias
> pci                 /pci
> bridge              /pci/@d
> mac-io              /pci/@d/mac-io
> via-cuda            /pci/@d/mac-io/via-cuda
> rtc                 /pci/@d/mac-io/via-cuda/rtc
> adb-keyboard        /pci/@d/mac-io/via-cuda/adb/keyboard
> adb-mouse           /pci/@d/mac-io/via-cuda/adb/mouse
> sound               /pci/@d/mac-io/davbus/sound
> enet                /pci/@d/mac-io/ethernet
> scca                /pci/@d/mac-io/escc/ch-a
> sccb                /pci/@d/mac-io/escc/ch-b
> nvram               /pci/@d/mac-io/nvram
> ide0                /pci/@d/mac-io/at...@20000
> cd                  /pci/@d/mac-io/at...@20000/d...@0
> zip                 /pci/@d/mac-io/at...@20000/d...@1
> ide1                /pci/@d/pci-...@1/at...@0
> hd                  /pci/@d/pci-...@1/at...@0/d...@0
> ultra0              /pci/@d/pci-...@1/at...@0/d...@0
> ultra1              /pci/@d/pci-...@1/at...@0/d...@1
> usb                 /pci/@d/usb
> firewire            /pci/@d/firewire
> keyboard            /psuedo-hid/keyboard
> mouse               /psuedo-hid/mouse
> usb-keyboard
> usb-mouse
> no-boot             /p...@80000000/pci-bri...@d/mac...@5/fdc
> last-boot           /p...@80000000/pci-bri...@d/mac...@5/ethernet
> screen              /p...@80000000/ATY,rage1...@10
>  ok
> 0 >

This is from my G3 B&W 350 MHz Yosemite. Surprisingly my G4 Quicksilver 
(original 2001 model) also uses ATA-3 and ATA-4 for the two IDE buses.

>  From the looks of the firmware commands below, it appears that the
> only parts that are different are the numbers 2, 3, and 4
> respectively for the different ATA-n designations.  So for ATA -5
> would I just use:
> #! /bin/bash -
> if    kextstat -lb com.apple.driver.KeyLargoATA | grep -F -q KeyLargoATA &&
>       ! ioreg -rStp IODeviceTree -n ata-5 -w0 | grep -F -q lba-48
> then  read -rd $'\000' nvram nvramrc <<< "`nvram nvramrc 2>&-`"
>       if      sudo nvram 'use-nvramrc?=true'
>       nvramrc='dev mac-io/ata-5 0 0 " lba-48" property device-end'" $nvramrc"
>       then echo '48-bit LBA support will be enabled on the next reboot.'; fi
> fi
> ??


Note that the script originally only enables LBA-48 for ATA-4 – and leaves 
ATA-3 as it is. This is due to most people not using the second bus for hard 
disk drives anyway. And for the optical drive LBA-48 is generally not needed.

You can enable LBA-48 with this Open Firmware workaround for every ATA bus 
that is from a KeyLargo chipset.

If yours' is ATA-5, just set this for the ATA-5 bus – like you mention above.

BUT PLEASE *_confirm_* this via Open Firmware before you do.

> Thanks for any illumination.  At worst, I guess I could try it and if
> it doesn't work just do a reset-nvram.

I'm not sure, but I think you could set this for ATA-2, ATA-3, ATA-4 and 
ATA-5, even thou only two of them are actually present in your system. But 
there could be side effects, so I'd rather use it only on really present 

The cleaner way is off course to set it only for the desired bus (ATA-4 or 

> Waaay back on  8/23/08, Peter wrote:
> >As has been previously stated, LBA48 is an ATA protocol function, not
> >a real limitation.

Provided it is supported by the IDE chip. For Keylargo (present in all Power 
Macs since the G4 AGP Graphics, i.e. in all models since the year 2000) this 
is true.

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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