Continuing this old thread from May of 2008....

I am reduced to using Google Groups for my access, so I can't reply
directly to that thread, but hopefully using the same subject will
thread it together.

When last we left the MDD in my office, I had 9.2.2 booting (thanks
again, Kris) by adding the Mac OS ROM 9.5.1 file.   However, I had a
problem where QuickTime 6.0.3 seemed to be hanging the computer at the
desktop after the drive volumes appeared.  The mouse cursor would
move, but I couldn't click or select anything.

Playing the divide-extensions-in-half game seemed to indicate that the
problem was caused by QuickTime.

Last night I was trying to get my Seagate Extreme 1.5 terabyte drive
to not be dead and somehow digressed over to the 9.2.2 booting problem
for the first time in a couple of years.

At the desktop freeze I happened to hit cmd-opt-esc and the message I
received was "Force ATI Video Accelerator to quit?"

Aha, a clue.   I put Quicktime back in, took the ATI extension named
above out, and it boot up fine.  However, a little more searching
indicated that ATI Video Accelerator actually does something (not sure
what) useful.

So a little more searching and it turned out that there was a more
recent version.  The OS install + updates that got me to 9.2.2 had
installed ATI Video Accelerator 4.8.5, but 4.8.7 appears to be the
latest version.   So I found the ATI OS 9 Mac Software Update from
January 2005 and installed that, replacing my older components.

After that I was able to boot up with both QuickTime and the ATI Video
Accelerator enabled, without issues.   IIRC this MDD has a Radeon 9000
installed and that may play a part as well.   Perhaps the ones with an
Nvidia card would not experience this problem.

So that problem solved.   And interestingly, all the missing/newer
components (except ATI components) needed to make an MDD work seem to
be present on the iMac G4/800 (the OS9 bootable one, not the later OSX
only G4/800) standard installation.

Next problem:  No sound in 9.2.2.   Adjusting the volume in the Sound
CP causes the CP to visually flash and the volume goes back to zero,
but no sound.   After more google searching, I did a side by side
comparison of the MDD extensions folder and the iMac G4/800 (iLamp)
extensions folder.   Teh Sound Manager was newer on the MDD, but the
"Apple Audio Extension" was 1.x.x (1.5.1?) on the MDD and 2.x.x (IIRC)
on the iMac.   So I dragged everything sound related with a newer
version number over to the MDD.   Files I looked at included Apple
Audio Extension, Sound Manager, SoundSproketLib, SoundSprocket Filter,
Sound Manager, SoundSpace2Lib, and USBSoundSpace2Driver.

After a reboot, I then had sound.   If anyone is interested I'll try
to get an extensions manager listing when I'm at home.

So, the MDD seems to be pretty functional at this point with 9.2.2.
I'm rather happy at solving these two issues, as this has been
weighing in the back of mind for two years as one of the projects I
should get to some day before the computer goes out of service,
although honestly, my partner, Diane, never boots into Classic, so I'm
not sure why I care that much.

There are two issues left that I am aware of:

1)   How do I get the %^#$%#$ DVD drive open?   The keyboard function
keys don't work in OS 9.2.2 and the keyboard shortcut for "Eject" only
works if there is already a disk in the drive.

2)  The Apple DVD Player software reports some kind of inability to
work, but is unspecific as to the cause.

I hope this helps other and thanks for any suggestions on the final
two problems.

Jeff Walther

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