Look here.

The MDD uses a special 9.2.2.

On Nov 2, 1:13 pm, "t...@io.com" <t...@io.com> wrote:
> Continuing this old thread from May of 2008....
> I am reduced to using Google Groups for my access, so I can't reply
> directly to that thread, but hopefully using the same subject will
> thread it together.
> When last we left the MDD in my office, I had 9.2.2 booting (thanks
> again, Kris) by adding the Mac OS ROM 9.5.1 file.   However, I had a
> problem where QuickTime 6.0.3 seemed to be hanging the computer at the
> desktop after the drive volumes appeared.  The mouse cursor would
> move, but I couldn't click or select anything.
> Playing the divide-extensions-in-half game seemed to indicate that the
> problem was caused by QuickTime.
> Last night I was trying to get my Seagate Extreme 1.5 terabyte drive
> to not be dead and somehow digressed over to the 9.2.2 booting problem
> for the first time in a couple of years.
> At the desktop freeze I happened to hit cmd-opt-esc and the message I
> received was "Force ATI Video Accelerator to quit?"
> Aha, a clue.   I put Quicktime back in, took the ATI extension named
> above out, and it boot up fine.  However, a little more searching
> indicated that ATI Video Accelerator actually does something (not sure
> what) useful.
> So a little more searching and it turned out that there was a more
> recent version.  The OS install + updates that got me to 9.2.2 had
> installed ATI Video Accelerator 4.8.5, but 4.8.7 appears to be the
> latest version.   So I found the ATI OS 9 Mac Software Update from
> January 2005 and installed that, replacing my older components.
> After that I was able to boot up with both QuickTime and the ATI Video
> Accelerator enabled, without issues.   IIRC this MDD has a Radeon 9000
> installed and that may play a part as well.   Perhaps the ones with an
> Nvidia card would not experience this problem.
> So that problem solved.   And interestingly, all the missing/newer
> components (except ATI components) needed to make an MDD work seem to
> be present on the iMac G4/800 (the OS9 bootable one, not the later OSX
> only G4/800) standard installation.
> Next problem:  No sound in 9.2.2.   Adjusting the volume in the Sound
> CP causes the CP to visually flash and the volume goes back to zero,
> but no sound.   After more google searching, I did a side by side
> comparison of the MDD extensions folder and the iMac G4/800 (iLamp)
> extensions folder.   Teh Sound Manager was newer on the MDD, but the
> "Apple Audio Extension" was 1.x.x (1.5.1?) on the MDD and 2.x.x (IIRC)
> on the iMac.   So I dragged everything sound related with a newer
> version number over to the MDD.   Files I looked at included Apple
> Audio Extension, Sound Manager, SoundSproketLib, SoundSprocket Filter,
> Sound Manager, SoundSpace2Lib, and USBSoundSpace2Driver.
> After a reboot, I then had sound.   If anyone is interested I'll try
> to get an extensions manager listing when I'm at home.
> So, the MDD seems to be pretty functional at this point with 9.2.2.
> I'm rather happy at solving these two issues, as this has been
> weighing in the back of mind for two years as one of the projects I
> should get to some day before the computer goes out of service,
> although honestly, my partner, Diane, never boots into Classic, so I'm
> not sure why I care that much.
> There are two issues left that I am aware of:
> 1)   How do I get the %^#$%#$ DVD drive open?   The keyboard function
> keys don't work in OS 9.2.2 and the keyboard shortcut for "Eject" only
> works if there is already a disk in the drive.
> 2)  The Apple DVD Player software reports some kind of inability to
> work, but is unspecific as to the cause.
> I hope this helps other and thanks for any suggestions on the final
> two problems.
> Jeff Walther

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