System: Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5, 2GB DDR SDRAM, Leopard OS 10.5.8

The genesis of the problem.
Software Update pops up and tells me there are 'updates' available, Sooo, I look to see what it's proposing.

Safari 5.0.5, Java for OSX Update 9, Security Update 2011-002, something for iTunes.

I don't do iTunes, so that one is a pass, I check the others, and tell the system, 'Have at it'. Many hours later [I'm on Dialup. ;-)] I kill the 'update, it wasn't successful, and start looking fo rhe pieces to download separately.

Safari, located and successfully downloaded. Attempt to DO the update, message says it won't run on this machine.

JAVA, can't locate in Apple's download archives.

Security Update --- what was located is 'Security Update 2011-002 client' [presently being downloaded, but it says 'client' --- SHOULD I chance installing?]

Concerns ---- This was Apple's Software Update's recommendation, but Safari 5.0.5 turned out to be for INTEL [UGH!!!], nothing locatable for the JAVA item,, The Security Update isn't for a 'plain ole ordinary' desktop.

Comments ???

Chuck Davis
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