
----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Are powermac g4 still useful?
Date:    Monday, 02. January 2012
From:    gira93 <diskce...@gmail.com>
To:      "G-Group" <g3-5-list@googlegroups.com>
> Hello everyone!
> Hi would like to know if someone here still uses his Powermac g4,


> I have a g4 quicksilver (733mhz, 630mb ram) that i still use (and
> love) today for web browsing, web administration and youtube, it works
> very well with 10.4.11.

I have/had the exact one too. But I upgraded the processor. The 733 MHz model 
lacks level 2 cache, which makes it really slow compared to the 733 MHz 
version of the G4 Digital Audio.

I’d recommend getting a used processor module (+ heatsink) of the Dual-800 MHz 
or even the Dual-1 GHz version. Alternatively a third party upgrade will help 
a lot.

Even on 10.4 the QS-733 felt significantly slower than the MDD-Dual-1-GHz.

> I'm writing this because a friend said i was "crazy" just beacuse i
> use such an old mac for the "everyday use".

I’m a crazy person when it comes to answering your question: am I still using 
an old G4?

Well, I've got a lot of G4s, two G5s and one G3. And what do I use mostly?
The G3!

I got the slowest and oldest of them all running Tiger, Microsoft Office (which 
just rocks compared to LibreOffice; I don’t know much about iWork) and 
TenFourFox for the internet. I don’t actually use YouTube on it thou. Wouldn’t 
work anyway.

I also occasionally use a G4 Cube which I plan to upgrade: a GeForce 6200 
graphics card maybe, but I’d loose compatibility for the older Mac OSes. I’ll 
definitely upgrade the single 450 MHz processor in favour of a Dual-500 MHz 
module that I already have tested in one of my G4 towers.

What else… I now used one of the G5s a lot. I found that YouTube works great 
using TenFourFox and WebM/html5. It’s got some issues with the fans thou.

Crazy? Just a matter of perspective. If you can still do with it what you want 
to do with it, why on earth should that be crazy?

I ran Linux on my G4 MDD Dual-1 GHz at first. It was great, but I eventually 
went for a newer G5 to replace it, which ended in a desaster—just two words: 
hardware support.

> So does anyone here is still using his old trusty G4?

I think the replies to your post answer it well. There are still people out 
there that keep their Power Macs running.

I don’t want to fall into a negative mood here, but still I find it importaint 
to point out an observation of mine that made me think that, sadly, these 
times are going to end soon: look at the download figures of TenFourFox. This 
will give you a good idea of how many of “us” are still out there…
http://code.google.com/p/tenfourfox/downloads/list – “Downloadcount”

> PS: Sorry for my bad english, i'm italian.
I’m not in the possition to tell you any different than that your English is 
great. I’m from Austria.

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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