On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:59 PM, dianed...@gmail.com wrote:

I have a DP 1.42 G4 running the latest version of 10.5

Since Christmas, it has been going to sleep every 15 mins of unuse, unless I have the widgets open. FWIW I've always has the sleep settings turned on but they rarely work.

So it's been over two weeks and its been working like a charm. No freezing or anything. I've been using it a lot during this time as well. The only thing I have to so is five it time to allow the BT mouse to resync. Yesterday I plugged in my Shuffle to recharge and ever since then it hasn't gone to sleep. I thought maybe iTunes kept it awake but that's not the case.

Any thoughts? I've had it since new and its always been like this. The monitor sleep works correctly though. I replaced the power supply about two years ago.


Hello Diane:

One, I assume you have set the energy control panel to never sleep, closed Preferences, open Preferences, reset sleep setting. This can over write bad preference settings. You can also find the energy control panel settings cache (with other personal account cached settings in "your account name/Library/Caches/ com.apple.preferencepanes.cache") and delete them. Preferences need to be reentered.

Two, PRAM (Apple key, Option key, P, R at the same time on computer start from computer off) and Power Manager reset. PMU reset proceeds as: Turn computer off, wait ten seconds, pull plug, pull ALL wires from computer, open case, find small Surface Mount Device (SMU) button labeled PMU on motherboard next to two ATA cable attachments to motherboard. Leave battery in motherboard. Wait five minutes or so. Press button ONCE firmly and release immediately, same as when you use the power button to start the computer. Attach power cable, keyboard, video. Start. If the computer will not start, repeat PMU reset procedure, but try to press the button more quickly. You may need to reset PRAM after this to get complete start.

You can also try to find the procedure on the web, but I didn't find any specific for the MDD. What I have given you worked for my MDD.

Good luck!


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