On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 02:48:45PM +0100, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
> We do not ship with py-OpenSSL.
> We do not include any of the code from py-OpenSSL.

I never said you did.

> I don't see where we are violating any license.

You are violating your own license, the GPL.

> OpenSSL is loaded at runtime, but GPL doesn't cover which code is 
> allowed to be run in memory,

Please.  All libraries you link against should be under a GPL-compatible 
license.  The fact that you link with libssl via a python wrapper does 
not alleviate that.

> Additionally, GPL explicitely allows "mere aggregation", so even our  
> Windows binaries are no

This is not about mere aggregation at all.

> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/msg/29c7588fbecproblem, 
> as OpenSSL is a separate DLL which is loaded at runtime.

The link doesn't work for me, but the situation on POSIX systems is the 
same -- when you do "import OpenSSL.SSL" and then use OpenSSL 
facilities, they don't come from PyOpenSSL's independent SSL 
implementation (as there isn't any), they come from libssl.  So the .so 
is loaded at runtime as well.
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