Hi Yann,

On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 18:31:33 +0100 Andrey Gursky wrote:

> Hi Yann,
> On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 10:41:29 +0100 Yann Leboulanger wrote:
> > On 12/07/2016 11:37 PM, Andrey Gursky wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > a couple of days ago I noticed, that mercurial repository has gone. But
> > > no replacement was setup. I haven't found any announcement here on the
> > > list about the migration. Couldn't you switch it just into read-only
> > > mode, which is already the only possible way to access the server for
> > > everybody except developers?
> > 
> > I don't want ppl to think it's still maintained. So I prefer completly
> > hide it.
> OK, in this case the repositories could be renamed. 
> > > The old trac has gone either. What do you think about an archive
> > > read-only mode access?
> > 
> > Hard to make it read only. And why make it read only? (nearly) all is
> > supposed to be on gitlab
> Just in case there is something seems to be wrong and only look into
> the original can clarify the situation.
> > > Let's look at https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/issues/8390
> > > It has been filed by anonymous. Can this be true? Did old trac allow
> > > anonymous accounts (without at least partly anonymezed email reference)?
> > 
> > I didn't create an account for all 2500 contributors that filles a
> > ticket. So yes we loose who created some tickets.
> This is very unfortunately. But why are there so many accounts? I
> believe it is due to the fact Gajim trac maintainers (were there many
> or only you?) forced every user, wanting just to report an issue with
> Gajim instead to take time to create an account, verify email, login.
> Now I'm kindly ask you to be consequent and please continue to maintain
> people contribution credits. It doesn't mean you would have to create
> all these accounts. The only thing has to be done, is to prepend every
> "anonymous" post with a corresponding original account name and email
> (spam protected). This is very important, to encourage people to post
> feedback to make Gajim better and get credited instead of showing,
> that all they are just nobody anonymous (so why should they bother with
> creating new accounts on gitlab and wasting time with filing bug reports?).
> Theoretically, if the password hashing mechanism of trac and gitlab
> were identical, I think accounts with old credentials could be created
> and used without noticing any difference. How passwords are stored on
> the old trac and new gitlab?
> > > Looking further at the comment:
> > > https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/issues/8390#note_137507
> > > a changeset is mentioned:
> > > In [changeset:"849a745fc6c17d18626b480d4ed7d3844be8280e" 
> > > 16114:849a745fc6c1]
> > > But I can't click on it to be forwarded to the actual commit. Hopefully,
> > > you can fix that?
> > 
> > it's is now.
> Thanks. (Though issues pages are returning 500 now.)
> > > For example here https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/python-nbxmpp/issues/20
> > > The issues and commits references are correctly linked.
> > >
> > > Let's look at https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/issues/8266
> > > Again, an anonymous has supplied a patch. But the patch looks like to
> > > be linked to Thilo Molitor's post. And in the commit
> > > https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/commit/766bb508e323f849d
> > > it seems the author is someone with nick gdr_gdr. But despite of the
> > > commit comment "Fixes # 8266" the issue remained open. Moreover, due to
> > > the space between # and 8266 gitlab cannot replace it with a proper
> > > hyperlink. Maybe that is the reason for the stale status of the issue?
> > 
> > Maybe. Gitlab is currently very broken, so  I can't look at it. I'll do
> > later.
> Good, that this is not yet considered as final status.
> > > To check such issues, a read-only archive mode access to old trac would
> > > be helpful.
> > 
> > trac is still online on a hidden address as it's not read only.
> > 
> > > Now let's look how much space the old mercurial repository occupies:
> > > $ du -sh .hg
> > > 80M       .hg
> > >
> > > Let's clone the new repository:
> > > $ date
> > > Tue Dec  6 19:45:46 CET 2016
> > > $ git clone https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim.git gajim.git
> > > Cloning into 'gajim.git'...
> > > remote: Counting objects: 93373, done.
> > > remote: Compressing objects: 100% (27957/27957), done.
> > > remote: Total 93373 (delta 63116), reused 93357 (delta 63105)
> > > Receiving objects: 100% (93373/93373), 432.84 MiB | 5.52 MiB/s, done.
> > > Resolving deltas: 100% (63116/63116), done.
> > > Checking connectivity... done.
> > > $ du -sh gajim.git/.git
> > > 436M    gajim.git/.git
> > > $
> > 
> > I know. I'm testing things.
> Good. Thanks.
> > try:
> > git gc --aggressive --prune=now
> > it reduces it to 59M
> This is what I've already showed in detail in my previous mail:
> > > That's really very much data. Please run git gc --aggressive on the
> > > repository to avoid wasted traffic and doing this by everyone who
> > > clones the repository:
> > > $ du -sm .git; git gc --aggressive; du -sm .git
> > > 436     .git
> > > Counting objects: 93373, done.
> > > Compressing objects: 100% (91048/91048), done.
> > > Writing objects: 100% (93373/93373), done.
> > > Total 93373 (delta 70902), reused 18994 (delta 0)
> > > 35      .git
> > > $
> > >
> > > 436 --> 35 MB, not bad (it took 2 min 25 sec on a 5 year old laptop)!
> > > And efficiently than mercurial. Similar with gajim-plugins.
> > >
> > > It would be great, if you could enable git:// access to the repositories.
> > 
> > it is enabled. Create an accoun, import ssh  key and use git://
> Almost all well known git servers, like kernel.org, repo.or.cz,
> gnome.org, github.com,.. allow anonymous git:// access. Why should it
> be so complicated with gitlab?
> > > Those were my first impressions. Thanks for your attention,
> >
> > Thanks for your feedback. It's monthes I prepare the migration, it's a
> > lot of work. I try to do my best.
> Couldn't know, that you were working on this since all this time. Any
> plan to blog on it? Have you used articles from others experience?

just noticed, that you're likely want additionally to rewrite the
following gajim credentials:

lovetox <forenjunkie AT chelo DOT at> --> Philipp Hörist <forenjunkie AT chello 
DOT at>
tmolitor <thilo AT eightysoft DOT de> --> Thilo Molitor <thilo AT eightysoft 
DOT de>

Their respective owners should correct me, if I'm wrong with the

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