Le 26/03/2012 16:13, Nate Coraor a écrit :
On Mar 26, 2012, at 5:11 AM, Louise-Amélie Schmitt wrote:

Hello everyone,

I wanted to start the drmaa job runner and followed the instructions in the 
wiki, but I have this error message when I start Galaxy:

galaxy.jobs ERROR 2012-03-23 15:28:49,845 Job runner is not loadable: 
galaxy.jobs.runners. drmaa
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/g/funcgen/galaxy/lib/galaxy/jobs/__init__.py", line 1195, in 
     module = __import__( module_name )
ImportError: No module named  drmaa

I checked /g/funcgen/galaxy/lib/galaxy/jobs/runners and it contains the 
drmaa.py file

There was no drmaa egg so I made a copy of it from our other Galaxy install but 
it didn't solve the problem.

I don't really know where to start looking, any idea?

Hi L-A,

There's an errant space in the runner name: ' drmaa'.  I am going to guess that 
your start_job_runners looks like:

     start_job_runners = pbs, drmaa

Only the whitespace at the beginning and end of that parameter is stripped.  
I've committed a fix for this that'll be in the next galaxy-dist, but in the 
meantime, remove the space after the comma and the drmaa runner should load.


Hi Nate,

After a removing the space (and a facepalm) it now fetches the drmaa egg and starts the module properly, thanks a lot!

I still have an issue though: When I use the run shell script Galaxy crashes right before loading the drmaa runner (right after the pbs runner is loaded). The weird thing is that when I launch the command manually it works fine: python ./scripts/paster.py serve universe_wsgi.runner.ini --server-name=runner0 --pid-file=runner0.pid --log-file=runner0.log --daemon

The other weird thing is that I get no error message at all.

I'll try looking into it but if you have any idea about what's going wrong, it would help greatly :)

Thanks again,
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