Hi Nate,

Excellent to hear!  I will stay tuned for this most welcome update.  In the 
meantime, I welcome any other user's input on their solutions :)


Jason Gallant, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Biology
BRB 224, 5 Cummington Street
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215

Lab: 617-358-4590
Office: 617-358-3291

On Jun 8, 2012, at 4:21 PM, Nate Coraor wrote:

> On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:26 PM, Gallant, Jason wrote:
>> Greetings Galaxy Devs!
>> I've been doing a fair amount of poking around in the forums and on the wiki 
>> but haven't found a satisfying answer to my query...
>> Has anyone come up with a workable solution to run jobs from a local 
>> installation of galaxy on a campus cluster or on XSEDE/TeraGrid?  While it 
>> might be possible for us (though probably a headache) to install galaxy on 
>> one of the head nodes on campus, it seems very unlikely for me to be able to 
>> do this on something like this on a resource such as blacklight.  
> Hi Jason,
> There's work under way for Galaxy to support resources at a higher level so 
> that it doesn't need direct access to a cluster or a shared filesystem.  This 
> would include support for XSEDE resources.  We hope to complete it this 
> summer.
> In addition, some people on this list have made their own modifications to 
> Galaxy to support environments like this, so perhaps some of them will post 
> up with their solutions.
> --nate
>> It seems that over the years past there have been a few mentions different 
>> strategies taken to accomplish something like this, but the details on this 
>> seem scarce.  If this is something that someone on the list has worked out, 
>> does anyone have time to describe their setup in more detail?  
>> More generally, are there plans in the Galaxy roadmap to include this as a 
>> potential feature in future releases?  It seems that many small labs like 
>> ours would find this feature quite useful.
>> Appreciative of any help you might be able to provide-- keep up the great 
>> work Galaxy developers!
>> -----
>> Jason Gallant, Ph.D.
>> Postdoctoral Research Associate
>> Department of Biology
>> BRB 224, 5 Cummington Street
>> Boston University
>> Boston, MA 02215
>> Lab: 617-358-4590
>> Office: 617-358-3291
>> www.jgallant.org
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