
Yes, it is definitely possible to use a composite datatype in functional tests, and a number of tools in the Galaxy distribution do so. For examples on how to define composite inputs, you can look at the tools in tools/rgenetics/, such as rgGLM.xml or rgHaploView.xml. For the outputs, rgClean.xml provides an example of comparing a composite output dataset with the expected test data.

   --Dave B.

On 4/3/13 09:24:34.000, Peter Cock wrote:
Hello all,

I'd like to be able to write some simple <test> entries for
some of the BLAST+ tools using composite datatypes
as input or output (i.e. small BLAST databases). This
doesn't seem to be mentioned or hinted at on the wiki:

Is it possible to use a composite datatype as a test input?
If so how? Normal datatypes are loaded into the test history
using using the upload tool - does that mean I first need to
extend the relevant datatypes to allow them to be uploaded?

Example: Run blastp using a small query FASTA file and
a small database, check the output (eg tabular).

Is it possible to use a composite datatype as a test output?
If so how?

Example: Run makeblastdb using a small FASTA file, and
check the output (a small BLAST database).


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