Hi Peter,

> Hi all,
> For defining the 'install script' for some of my tool wrappers, I have
> mainly following http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/ToolShedToolFeatures
> and looking at one or two examples.
> I've got some of my tools to work, but not all. For instance, this one
> appears not to be downloading or moving JAR files correctly:
> http://testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/peterjc/effectivet3/5644c28cf965
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <tool_dependency>
>     <package name="effectiveT3" version="1.0.1">
>         <install version="1.0">
>             <actions>
>                 <!-- Set environment variable so Python script knows
> where to look -->
>                 <action type="set_environment">
>                     <environment_variable name="EFFECTIVET3"
> action="set_to">$INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable>
>                 </action>
>                 <!-- Main JAR file -->
>                 <action
> type="download_by_url">http://effectors.org/download/version/TTSS_GUI-1.0.1.jar</action>
>                 <action
> type="move_file"><source>TTSS_GUI-1.0.1.jar</source><destination>$INSTALL_DIR/</destination></action>
>                 <!-- Three model JAR files -->
>                 <action type="make_directory">$INSTALL_DIR/module</action>
>                 <action
> type="download_by_url">http://effectors.org/download/module/TTSS_ANIMAL-1.0.1.jar</action>
>                 <action
> type="move_file"><source>TTSS_ANIMAL-1.0.1.jar</source><destination>$INSTALL_DIR/module/</destination></action>
>                 <action
> type="download_by_url">http://effectors.org/download/module/TTSS_PLANT-1.0.1.jar</action>
>                 <action
> type="move_file"><source>TTSS_PLANT-1.0.1.jar</source><destination>$INSTALL_DIR/module/</destination></action>
>                 <action
> type="download_by_url">http://effectors.org/download/module/TTSS_STD-1.0.1.jar</action>
>                 <action
> type="move_file"><source>TTSS_STD-1.0.1.jar</source><destination>$INSTALL_DIR/module/</destination></action>
>             </actions>
>         </install>
>         <readme>
> Downloads effectiveT3 v1.0.1 and the three models from http://effectors.org/
>         </readme>
>     </package>
> </tool_dependency>

Afaik "download_by_url" is only supported as first action. To work
around that limitation, until its fixed, I used wget to fetch any
additional file. 


> Here my Python wrapper script has evidently read the $EFFECTIVET3
> environment variable (defined in the tool_dependencies.xml to point
> to the tool's $INSTALL_DIR), but the JAR file isn't there:
> Effective T3 JAR file not found:
> /var/opt/buildslaves/buildslave-ec2-1/buildbot-install-test-test-tool-shed-py27/build/test/install_and_test_tool_shed_repositories/tmp/tmpYR9FXD/effectiveT3/1.0.1/peterjc/effectivet3/5644c28cf965/TTSS_GUI-1.0.1.jar
> My previous revision set the $EFFECTIVET3 environment variable
> at the end of the tool_dependencies.xml file, and from the test failure
> it appeared not to be getting set. My hunch is something breaks
> part way through the installation but the Tool Shed isn't reporting
> this - or am I just not looking in the right place? It would make
> sense to show any installation issues under the "Tool Dependencies"
> entry on the main tool page.
> Related to this, I'd like to suggest another couple of assertion action
> types, used for checking if directories or files exist, which would
> abort the installation with a clear error if the check fails:
> <action type="assert_dir_exists">$INSTALL_DIR/module/</action>
> <action 
> type="assert_file_exists">$INSTALL_DIR/module/TTSS_STD-1.0.1.jar</action>
> An obvious application of these would be immediately after an
> <action type="download_by_url"> line to sanity test the download
> (and decompression) worked as expected - and didn't for example
> just download an HTML error page for instance.
> (In this case I am worried that perhaps the download_by_url
> action has been overly enthusiastic and unzipped the JAR file,
> perhaps based on the mime-type?).
> Thanks,
> Peter
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