Hello everyone,

I have a question about https://github.com/nturaga/bioc-galaxy-integration  I 
am trying to convert a RScript into a Galaxy tool.

planemo bioc_tool_init --rscript ./countsAroundTSS.R --input ENCFF027UTM.bam 
--input mm10 --input 500 --input 500 --input transcripts_mm10_UCSC.sqlite 
--output ENCFF027UTM.txt --test_case
Can only use the --test_case option if also specifying --example_command

planemo bioc_tool_init --rscript ./countsAroundTSS.R --example_command "Rscript 
countsAroundTSS.R--input ENCFF027UTM.bam --input mm10 --input 500 --input 500 
--input transcripts_mm10_UCSC.sqlite --output ENCFF027UTM.txt”
Error: no such option: --example_command

I am able to build a tool is I just run planemo bioc_tool_init --rscript 
./countsAroundTSS.R --input ENCFF027UTM.bam --input mm10 --input 500 --input 
500 --input transcripts_mm10_UCSC.sqlite --output ENCFF027UTM.txt


Thank you,

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