All entries have at startup pic1. 
I think when you call the _change of _activate event you set the picture
to pic2. 
I think you should remember the key of the item clicked in a global
variable. At the end you replace it with the current Key. This way you
remember the previous item clicked. You set the previous key to pic 3

sub tree_click()
  set pic2
  'first time PreviousKey will be ""
  if PreviousKey exist then set previousKey to pic3 

On Tue, 2008-07-08 at 14:02 -0500, M0E Lnx wrote:
> Here is my problem
> I have a tree view I've populated it with my contents, I know how the
> keys work and all.
> I have set picture properties for the items in this treeview.
> Here is what I want to do
> I have 3 pictures that these items can have
> Pic1 is for an item that has not yet been clicked on
> Pic2 is for the item that the user is currently in
> Pic3 is for an item that has already been clicked
> I can define Pic1 to be the default pic when the items are added to
> the treeview.
> I can make it change to Pic2 when the user clicks on the item
> But here is the problem
> I can't find a way to make the last item use Pic3.
> Can anyone suggest anything?
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