Gareth Bult ha scritto:
> Hi, 
> Very basic question .. is there any way to set off a method or procedure in 
> Gambas such that it runs in a thread? 
> In particular I'm thinking about a Gambas web server where a process might 
> need to retrieve information from a slow storage device or database server, 
> or via a raw network socket, and while it's doing that, I don't want it to 
> block other requests .... ?? 
> tia 
> Gareth 
Uhm... nice question.
Gambas does not support threads, and can not do asynchronous I/O. But 
perhaps there is a trick... :->>

Suppose you have to read from a slow device. Let do this job by an 
external program (/bin/cat, for example); you then launch this external 
program in background, and rely on its events for reading. Use:

    exec [...] for read as "exec"

    public sub exec_read()

The same could hold true about writing to slow devices; if they are true 
devices then the kernel should buffer things for you; if it is something 
else (a database connection), this trick of external programs could work.

But in the end, I suspect it is a complicated job... if you want several 
connections you have to keep trace of every one - not an easy job. And 
probably it would be slow (on my home machine EXECs are really slow, I 
don't know why).


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