Ron_1st schrieb:
> On Thursday 26 February 2009, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
> ---8<---
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ron_1st
>> Hi Ron,
>> just FYI, I found where it is and just switched it off. Here is what I did:
>> Download the source, unpack and ./configure.
>> Then look for <source-dir>/gb.qt/src/CGridView.cpp and open it in an 
>> editor. Look for
>> void MyTable::updateLastColumn()
>> and quote the line
>>      if (!_last_col_width)
>> as well as the two lines
>>      if (((columnPos(n) ...
>>              setColumnWidth(n, ...
>> by just setting a // at their beginnings.
>> Then make
>> and make install
>> and the feature has gone... :-)
>> Rolf
> LOL, sneaky hacker :):)

Thanks :-)

> Thats the beauty of opensource.

This was just my own thought when I had the idea to look for the thing 
in Benoit's code.

> You are not only learn programming/reading the Basic code 
> but also learn to read C code at least. 
> And for me is the code Benoit is writing good stuff to learn.

Yes, I thought "rarely seen such a clearly structured code" and just 
found what I was looking for within a few minutes.

> Now I should read the 'patch' documentation so I can
> easy patch the next version of the source code when released.

Errrm - you don't need to wait for the next one, just patch the one 
you've got. I just deleted the gambas2... subdir, unpacked the source 
again and started over. I didn't even "make uninstall" before...


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