Benoît Minisini schrieb:
>> Hi everyone!
>> When converting one of my apps from Gambas1 to Gambas2, I found 2 minor
>> items:
>> 1. The status of Tool Box Collection is not saved and always starts as
>> "switched off" when starting the Gambas2 IDE. But maybe this is wanted?
> This bug is now fixed in revision #1894 (for Gambas 2) and #1895 (for Gambas 
> 3).

Wow! Thank you.

>> 2. The last (rightmost) column of a TableView is stretched to the
>> ultimate width of the tableview and ignores if a Width value is given
>> for it.
>> Well, it just looks sort of ugly, but I found it worth mentioning anyway.
>> Have a nice day!
>> Rolf
> I (finally) created a new property in the GridView class (and so in its child 
> class TableView): GridView.AutoResize. 
> When this property is not set, the last column is not automatically stretched 
> anymore.
> You get it in the revision #1895. The gb.gtk version has not been implemented 
> yet.
> Enjoy it. :-)

Oh, I will, I will enjoy :-) Thank you very much indeed!



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