> Hi!First of all many thanks to the developer and everybody that helped to
> the creation and the now shape of this programming language... It was
> really was linux missed...
> Anyway...
> I have a problem or "bug" at programming with gambas...I really searched
> and googled to find out how to solve this one but nothing... Also in this
> e-mail i have a screenhost attached with the "error" tha appears and the
> source behind... I am quite sure that the problem is not at the code i
> wrote...the problem is that this error writes me that "there are too many
> nested control structures". So i guess that the language for some reason
> doesnt support more than a fixed number of line codes or more than a fixed
> number of IF THEN ELSE END IF...
> I really dont no what to do about this...
> Any reply helpful or not will be really appricieted...:D
> Here are information about my pc (maybe is my pc's problem...dunno) :
> * distribution : ubuntu 8.10
> * kernel linux : 2.6.27-7-generic
> * gnome : 2.24.1
> * memory : 2gb
> * processor : amd athlon 64 (3000+)
> * gambas version : 2.7
> thank you in advance
> and if someone wants to send him my program's code to check out glad to do
> that and i am greek so a reply from another greek or in greek will be more
> apprecieted because i will understand the reply even easier :D
> thank you again
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You must put "Else If" on the same line, otherwise the compiler will open a 
new "If ... Then ... Else ... EndIf" control structure.

        If ... Then
        Else If ... Then
        Else If ... Then

Is only one control structure.

        If ... Then
        If ... Then
        If ... Then

Are three control structures.



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