Dimitris Anogiatis a écrit :
> JY,to select a specific item in a listview you have to provide the item's
> key like this
> Listview1["Blah"].Selected = True
>  if you want to automatically select the first item that is on the listview
> you try this
> IF Listview1.Count > 0 THEN
>   Listview1.MoveFirst
>   Listview1.Item.Selected = True

Not this Time, Dimitri.
I'm searching a behaviour as Stephen told about.
In fact I expected the selection bar to automatically move, such as in
a ComboBox (Benoît, why ListBox & ListView don't act alike ComboBox??)

I guess we should be more tyrannical toward Benoît, so he won't loose time
scratching his wiki's root, nor watching TV neither sleeping ;-)

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