Dimitris Anogiatis a écrit :
> JY, I think I got it working the way you want it...

YES, thanks Dimitri its working almost exactly as I wanted!

I said almost because I've got a weird behaviour: my arrow cursor is pointing
~30° up-left and it is not the arrow's tip that trigger the change, it is its
I also tested with a cross cursor, that's worse: trigger point is at the bottom
of the vertical blade.

I'm working with a 19" CRT 4/3 1600x1200

On my other machine (22" LCD 16/9 1920x1080) it is even worse: the trigger
point is located under the arrow and I can't hilight the last item!

Corrections applied to Y calculation don't catch these differences :(

Is something VIOLENT going to happen to a GARBAGE CAN?

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