
in you will find a breakdown of
the available data types
supported by Gambas2 and in the
available data conversion
functions. In this section of Gambasdoc   you will also find
datatype functions that can help you with the special cases... ie IsNULL
will detect if your variable
is null or not.

Now as for a strategy to deal with the floats...

Depending on the floating number's floating part (meaning if the number's
floating part is no more than 2 digits ie 0.90)
seeing as it represents percentage you could always multiply them * 100 and
turn them into an integer. If of course
you get a large number like 0.9999582694 multiplying it by 100 and turning
that into an integer, you'll end up with
rounded data. The other approach is to use a float type variable but then
you need to change your code to handle

With this new data about your project's input

You could try something like this...
'if the value of sRain is NOT a null

if IsNull(Val(sRain)) = False  THEN

   'if the number is an integer just assign it to the iRain variable
   if IsInteger(Val(sRain)) = TRUE THEN
      iRain = Val(sRain)

     'if it's not an integer
      'check to see if it's a string
      SELECT CASE isString(sRain)
         CASE True

             'if it's a string check here to see which one of the
             'designated strings you have and assign a value to iRain

             if sRain = "x" then iRain = 0.4 'or anything else you want to
make it
             if sRain = "-" then iRain = 0 'or anything else you want to
make it
         CASE False

             ' if it's neither an integer nor a string, convert it into an
integer multiply it by 100 turn it assign it to the iRain variable
             iRain = Val(sRain) * 100
         CASE ELSE

'if the value of sRain is a null then just assign a negative integer to
  iRain = -1

I hope this helps a bit more


On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 11:40 PM, MSulchan Darmawan <>wrote:

> Pada Mon, 24 Aug 2009 23:00:07 -0600
> Dimitris Anogiatis <> menulis:
> > this way iRain would always have an integer and you wouldn't have to
> > worry about
> > the mismatch error... assuming "0", "1", "2", "x", "-" and NULL are
> > the only values
> > used in your database.
> Thanks Dimitris and JY,
> Unfortunately, the possible values are more then that, it's just a
> sample.
> The values are amount of rainfall data, so it has numbers (0 to 400)
> also with floating number 0.5, 1.7, and so on.
> The field of old data on the database was set with string type, which
> "x" represent as a value less then 0.5, "-" represent as no rain, and
> NULL represent as no data.
> So, for temporary solution, I'll use TRY statement to exclude "x", "-",
> and NULL, but the problem is with the floating number.
> I don't know how to handle this yet.
> any idea how to solve this ?
> thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Sulchan
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