> Computers are much faster,

 Still your program can run slowly!

> compilers are more optimizing,

 Gambas compiler do not optimize at all.

> analisys of the task and experience tell what to do - better than a profiler.

 Not true at all. That's almost always opposite!

> This was clearly stated in the turbo profiler documentation: "the most 
> important mean to
> write a fast program is to analyze which is the better algorithm, not to
> do tricks at the instructions level".

 Idea of profiler is not to optimize instruction level.
 Profiler is there to tell you, what sub, function, etc. is slowing
down your program.
 With big complicated project, it is very hard to say what is the true
 You can't "run the whole code in your head" and see where the problem is.
 But true is that when you optimize, you optimize algorithm, not instructions.

 I highly recommend to put your code into test. If you have written
something with python
 or C/C++, test it with profiler. I bet you will be surprised!


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