Ron ha scritto:
> Ron wrote:
>> I'm running Karmic too now, and I can use my software with MySQL 
>> database on it, no problem.
>> But the database manager is acting quite strangely too here, after 
>> creating the first connection (localhost, type mysql, sql user and 
>> password, db name) it closed right after that.
>> When I reopened it, it works, that is I can view my the database 
>> layout and table fields, but not their content (data tab) See 
>> attachment.
>> If I view the About window via ? menu item and click Ok, it closes 
>> completely too, dunno if that is suppose to happen either.
>> I have to look into this some more if I can find the time.
>> No errors in my console screen.
>> [OperatingSystem]
>> OperatingSystem=Linux
>> KernelRelease=2.6.31-14-generic
>> CPUArchitecture=i686
>> DistributionVendor=ubuntu
>> DistributionRelease="Ubuntu 9.10"
>> [Gambas]
>> Gambas1=Not Installed
>> Gambas2=2.17.0
>> Gambas2Path=/usr/local/bin/gbx2
>> Gambas3=Not Installed
>> Regards,
>> Ron_2nd.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I just wanted to get Gambas database manager to work with my current 
> OS Ubuntu Karmic because I needed it badly, and I don't want to 
> install phpmysqladmin stuff.
> So I loaded the  gambas/2.0/app/src/gambas2-database-manager  project 
> in the IDE, and changed it's project components properties from the 
> default gb.gui to use gb.qt and it never looked so good,  and is 
> worked so fine!!!!!!!
> All the bugs are gone too.
> I always thought the database manager looked a bit strange compared to 
> the IDE, but now I know why, why does gb.qui gets it wrong and loads 
> KDE stuff on Ubuntu (apparently) ?
As far as I know, gb.gui loads gb.qt if running under KDE; else gb.gtk.
So on Ubuntu it should use GTK instead of QT (note that this is the 
contrary of what you say).
Now the bugs you noticed are gone because you forced the app to use 
gb.qt, which has less bugs than gb.gtk.

I think that gambas-database-manager, being a normal app, correctly uses 
gb.gui. The gambas IDE should do it too, but it can not because GTK (or 
gb.gtk) lacks some necessary controls found in QT (or gb.qt).

This gb.gui auto-switching mechanism is nice - but it can lead to 
problems... I wonder about how many people like it.


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