You are a funny guy ;-)

Le mardi 24 novembre 2009 à 21:57 +1100,
a écrit :

> Steven revimmo wrote:
> > So, for me it boils down to a question of widgets, a surmountable
> > problem,
> You don't read much of what Benoit has to say? Nor do you know much about 
> Microsoft?

I do read what Benoit has to say, it's much more interesting as your
post, but not so funny.

> They are questions, not assertions.
> > that would give us
> > an excellent platform with gambas to make cloud applications !
> The "cloud" is a buzzword for storing your very private super sekrit stuff, 
> such as pictures of your nekkid lover where your wife can't find them, on a 
> server that offers no guarantee of any privacy whatosever, let alone any 
> availability. Perhaps you are recently new to the world of computing?

Are you aware that there are also 'cloud' applications that don't run
with Google, you can run them
on your own server (like eyeOS) so your problem only exists if you limit
the sky to Google.  

> > Steven
> > ps: and you would not need any 'plugins' for Firefox, Ie or any other
> > browser.
> You assume that MS would convert windows to widgets?

No, not MS, and yes... I'm aware that everything is a window in the
ms-world, so what ?
That is just a question of terminology.

> And kill their own monoply by their own free choice.
> Are you aware that even such a lowly entity as a label is a window in 
> Windows?
> Perhaps not. 

Perhaps I might suggest you take a look at eyeOS, learn a bit, and then
report back here.
If you don't I might be even happier.


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