Rob wrote:

> Gambas as a plugin would have to include the barest minimum of
> components

The runtime counts as "umpteen megabytes of support libraries."

> Still, that is possible.

I didn't say it wasn't possible. I did imply it would be a time/money 
expensive endeavour.

> While I disagree with Mr. Nameless Angry Guy

Hey, I'm not angry. I'm to the point. You know, succinct, concise? Big 
difference there, Rob.

Plus opinion was requested. Opinions do not need to have any basis in fact 

> That said,

There was a lot of it said, hey. I prefer to get to the point but, when I do 
that, some people infer angry emotions that aren't there.

> I did start playing around

So did I but my wife caught me. 

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