On Saturday 05 December 2009 13:39:43 John wrote:
> Hi All
>        I am new to Linux. I am using Ubuntu 9.10.
> What I am looking for is a kind person to help me off line with Linux
> and Ubuntu.
> No I do not intend to use this list as my Linux learning aid.
> Other than this one message I will never ask this list for this type of
> help again.
> Yes I could join a Ubuntu mailing list. I am sure there are many very
> good Ubuntu mailing lists out there. I just do not want to join yet
> another mailing list.
> Anyone interested in helping me out please contact me direct.
> Just so that you know I do not know Linux but I do know computers.
> My first computer was a vic-2o. I like most new Linux users have come
> from the Windows world. I can make a Windows box sing.
> Thank you for your time in reading this message.
> Again from now on any message I send to this list will be about Gambas
> and nothing else.

Hi John,

If you are fluent in Windows and PC in general, you do not need teacher!

Just some more curiosity and wish to try out new things.

I started my "journey" in the Linux world in year 2000 with SuSE, meanwhile I 
am using Ubuntu...

You can learn virtually EVERYTHING  just by asking "uncle google" ;-) This is 
the way I learned a lot.

my recent google searches

"mysql odbc install on ubuntu" -> best hit was on howtoforge
"raid on ubuntu"
"mysql on ubuntu"

I wish you success and lot of fun on your journey!

very best regards


P.S. There are lot of books written, my favorite is "Linux" from Michael 
(it is in German, but there is translation available). Meanwhile it is old, 
but I mean it is good introduction in Linux. But you can look out for some 
other ... good luck

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