if not MyForm.Run() then

Print MyForm.sValue


2009/12/11 Fabien Bodard <gambas...@gmail.com>:
> if you do not calm kadaitcha man you gonna get fired from this mailing
> list. I have not used it but you are insulting and it is not
> necessary. I would simply point out to you that all your intervention
> are not necessarily very bright
> Also if this is not to answer the question ... It is wiser to shut up!
> To Richard:
> Static Public sValue as string
> Public Sub Run () As Boolean
>  Return Not Me.ShowModal ()
> End
> Public Sub btnOK_Click ()
>  sValue = TextBox1.Text
>  Me.Close (True)
> End
> Public Sub btnCancel_Click ()
>  Me.Close
> End
> MyForm.Run if () then
> Print MyForm.sValue
> endif
> In this case sValue is static and can be called as if the class was a module.
> This is useful in this case among others.
> But for example if you were more instances of the same class (not in
> modal mode), and that each instance fesait Appeal sValue ... then you
> might not know the result ... sValue is common to all instances. As if
> MyClass was a separate module.
> That's all and not really a stupid question.
> Fabien Bodard

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