> Hello to all.
> I'm continuing the pt_BR translation of Gambas3 IDE, but I'm having a
> problem.
> I'm using lokalize (old kbabel) to translate the potfile, but I don't know
> how "integrate" the translation into gambas IDE. I recreated the .mo file
> and recompiled gambas3.gambas, but it continues in English lang.
> The envronment variables (LC_* and LANG) are ok (pt_BR.UTF-8).
> What is the language structure of a gambas application? Where must I put
> the .mo file? Something like locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/ ?
> Thanks.
> And sorry my bad English :-)

You should use the translation dialog of the IDE to translate the IDE. In 
Gambas 3, you have a tab in this dialog to import a *.po file.

The language structure of a gambas application is that:

- Every *.po and their *.mo file are stored inside the project ".lang" 

- When creating an executable, all *.mo files are stored in it, not the *.po 

- When running the program, a standard translation directory is created in 
/tmp/gambas.<userid>/<processid>/tr/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/, and destroyed when 
the program ends.


Benoît Minisini

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