Errata corrige:
>>> Finally, your last lines of code do not work:
>> Yes, it works.
>>>> PRIVATE FUNCTION ScanTab(IdCaption AS String) AS Byte
>>>> DIM a AS Byte = 0
>>>>     WHILE (a<    TabStrip1.Count - 1) AND (TabStrip1[a].Text<>    
>>>> IdCaption)
>>>>       INC a
>>>>     WEND
>>>>     RETURN IF(TabStrip1[a].Caption = IdCaption, a, -1)
>>>> END
>>> The third cycle does not get executed - "a" is 2, which is not less than
>>> "3-1" (it is equal).
>> That's irrelevant because the external comprobation (the logical
>> expression in the return sentence)
> May be that I am missing something, but... how can you say that it works 
> if it omits to test the last item?
Time later, driving to home and still thinking about this routine, I 
finally recalled what you wanted to say with "comprobation".
Yes, you are right - your code works. If I would have payed more 
attention to the routine, I would have noticed. But, stupidly, I 
concentrated only on the cycle, noting that it was missing a test on the 
last item. That last item is managed by the last test before exiting.

Still I don't like this routine. What happens if TabStrip1.Count=0 
(emtpy tabstrip)?

Ok, now I'am home, it's late - so good night to everybody (in Europe, of 


Doriano Blengino

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This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."

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