Rolf Schmidt ha scritto:
> Hello Rolf-Werner
>> DIM hFile AS File
>> DIM sLine AS String
>> hFile = PIPE "/tmp/FIFO1" FOR INPUT
>> PRINT "Now let's start:"
>> WHILE NOT Eof(hFile)
>>     LINE INPUT #hFile, sLine
>>     PRINT sLine
>> PRINT "That's it."
> You can't wait until EOF on a named pipe! Also a 'tail' on a named pipe will
> never give you some data - but 'cat' do!
> Just read and find another mechanism to stop reading.
I tried cat and tail on named fifo, and both work. You can start first 
either of the two sides, and they work.
I did it with:

mkfifo /tmp/fifo
ls >/tmp/fifo

then, in another terminal:

tail -3 /tmp/fifo

I also tried to start first the tail command, and then the cat >...

Rolf-Werner: you can try to first start "ls >/tmp.FIFO" and then your 
gambas app; you can also try to open /tmp/FIFO from gambas using a 
normal syntax instead of PIPE special one. Just a try...



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