> Trying the example code for pipes, I only get a waiting prompt, and then
> it jumps out of the loop.
> I added two little statements to have some output:
> DIM hFile AS File
> DIM sLine AS String
> hFile = PIPE "/tmp/FIFO1" FOR INPUT
> PRINT "Now let's start:"
> WHILE NOT Eof(hFile)
>    LINE INPUT #hFile, sLine
>    PRINT sLine
> PRINT "That's it."
> When I start this, it prints the start message and waits. It's in a
> Konsole window within KDE. I open another terminal and type
> ls > /tmp/FIFO1
> Instead of giving the file list, it just prints the finish message and
> quits.
> Did I do something wrong?
> Rolf

I just tried, and it works with "ls -la > /tmp/FIFO1", but not with "ls > 
/tmp/FIFO1", as you described. Very strange...

Benoît Minisini


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