> I just make each file name encapsulated with ' eg if i would like to
> use
> /home/steven/My Documents/some.txt
> as a location I would do
> path = "'/home/steven/My Documents/some.txt'"
> and the
> the shell cmd will work correctly like this
> cmd = "gedit " & path
> shell cmd  ....
> remember shell  is just like using bash, so put ' around the paths you
> need to use.
> Sorry I can not give an example with pdftk, but you should be able to
> modify the example to suit you needs.
> Steven

Once again, to send a file path to Shell, you just have to use Shell$() to 
quote it (or Quote.Shell in Gambas 2):

SHELL cmd & " " & Shell$(FirstPath) & " " & Shell$(SecondPath) ...etc.


Benoît Minisini


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