On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 4:24 PM, Werner <wd...@netfront.net> wrote:
> On 20/11/10 04:40, Zelimir Ikovic wrote:
>> I am following discussion on Gambas more than 3 months.
>> Last 10 years I worked in VB6 (70%) and C(30%) on Windows.
>> I am about to switch to Linux, and I have to decide:
>> Gambas3, FreePascal (fpGUI or Lazarus) or C, C++ and FLTK
>> I am just wondering is there any discussion on this topic, and where.
>> How do you compare Gambas against those tools
Gambas is the smoothest transition from VB in terms of language
syntax, the differences are usually
thngs most VB programmers would acknowledge as defects in the original
language, such as 1-based arrays,
overloading ( ) to deference arrays.
However Gambas is Linux-only, the advantage of FreePascal and C++ is
you can port back to Windows.
The Gambas IDE is easier to use and more stable IMHO.

Of the three languages (C++, Pascal, Gambas), Gambas is the most high-level.
It is fully OOP but lacks the "protected" access level (personally I
hardly used it in C++ and don't miss it)
The only things I really miss are function pointers ("procedural
variables" in Pascal) and a proper heredoc syntax.

Gambas is interpreted, the other 2 are compiled, so it's slower, but
in practice I haven't found this an
issue (it's heaps faster than Java, and even Ruby, probably on par with Python)


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