On 11/19/2010 08:58 AM, Fabien Bodard wrote:
> 2010/11/19 Demosthenes Koptsis<demosthen...@gmail.com>:
>> ok!
>> i was cofused from two things
>> 1)
>> in previous message about static arrays Fabien said that:
>>> yes a static array is not an object ... that's why it's a little bit
>>> deprecated :)
>>> anther way :
>>> dim htmpArray as integer[]=  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
>> so a
>> DIM htmpArray as integer[]=  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
>> i thought was a static.
> no a dynamic ... look at the bottom
>> and
>> 2)
>> ---------------------------------
>> DIM aInt2 AS Integer[3]
>> aInt2[0] = 1
>> aInt2[1] = 20
>> aInt2[2] = 30
>> aInt2.Add(40) 'here is the resize of the array
>> aInt2.Add(50)
>> aInt2.Add(60)
>> PRINT aInt2[3]
>> PRINT aInt2[4]
>> PRINT aInt2[5]
>> ---------------------------------
>> In my gambas2-2.21 rev3300 there is no error, nor compilation nor
>> execution!
> Normal it's Dynamic array :)
> Dynamic :
> DIM Identifier AS [ NEW ] Native Datatype [ Array dimensions ... ]
> ex : dim aInt as  Integer[10]
> Static
> [ STATIC ] { PUBLIC | PRIVATE } Identifier [ Array dimensions ... ] AS
> Native Datatype
> ex : Private aInt[10] as integer
> you can't declare a staic array in a sub
    I am converting some older code over and came across this 
idiosyncrasy with static arrays in subs, I can work around it easily 
enough but my curiosity is peaked... why are static arrays not allowed 
at the procedure level?
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