here is an example i did.
if you like it you can use it.

' Gambas class file
PUBLIC hLog AS Stream
PUBLIC sFilename AS String = User.Home &/ ".MyLog.txt"
PUBLIC sLogEntry AS String

PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()

hLog = OPEN sFilename FOR APPEND 


PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click()

  sLogEntry = "Button1 was clicked"
  WriteToLog(Application.Name & " # " & Application.Version & " # " &
Now & " # " & sLogEntry)


PUBLIC SUB WriteToLog(sString AS String)

  PRINT #hLog, sString 


PUBLIC SUB Form_Close()

On Wed, 2011-01-19 at 02:35 -0800, vikram wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Gambas 2.21, on Debian Squeeze. I am trying to keep a log of the 
> things my application does, for instance events like forms opening, errors 
> can be logged.
> I am thinking of using the SHELL with echo command to write to a log file.
> For example, using SHELL i would use:
> SHELL "echo \"Form1 Entered\">>Logfile"
> Could this cause the application to be a resource hog? The only other way I 
> can think of to do logging is to use File I/O but that would be a lot of work 
> when compated to using SHELL, plus I don't know it will prove to be more of a 
> resource hog than using SHELL.
> Help!
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Vikram Nair
> @Mods: kindly delete the earlier thread titled "using echo command within 
> EXEC", i had sent it with a wrong subject by mistake.
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Demosthenes Koptsis.

Attachment: Log.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

Attachment: .MyLog.txt.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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